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UPDATE: In addition to the E-book & paperback versions, the audiobook is now on Amazon!
- Thou shalt wear a mask at all times
- Hugging and kissing are an abomination unto God
- Six feet of distance shall be maintained from others at all times
- All gatherings of people shall be a sin and a desecration to the Lord
- Upon being exposed to a person with any symptom, thou shalt self-quarantine
- Thou shalt not seek to work, for the Lord will provide for thou
- All blame for worldly problems lay at the feet of Trump, for he is the devil
- Lord Biden is the savior chosen by God Almighty
- Thou shalt worship healthcare workers, medical experts must be obeyed
- The word of the Lord shall not be questioned, heresy is condemned by God
Alu on One America News:
The newly updated audio-book is now on Audible thanks to the great narrator, Captain Kickass!!!