Around 1400 liberty activists, most of whom are college students, will have to cancel flights and shift their schedules for this weekend thanks to the government of Dallas, Texas. The ‘Mobilize 2020’ conference hosted by Young Americans For Liberty was scheduled for August 6-8th. The event was initially planned for a venue in Austin, but it was moved to Dallas due to the less restrictive environment, and the plans were finalized a few weeks ago.

Among the speakers scheduled to address the conference were Senator Rand Paul, Congressmen Thomas Massie and Justin Amash, Governor Kristi Noem, Ron Paul, Glenn Jacobs, Nick Freitas, and many other libertarian and conservative activists.
Without consulting with YAL or the venue, Eric Johnson, the anti-freedom Democratic mayor of Dallas cancelled the event that was scheduled to begin on Thursday, just days before it was scheduled to start.
“I’m furious. Mobilize 2020 is being shut down by the City of Dallas and their tyrant leadership. This was not a “decision”. The City of Dallas forced the event to be canceled. YAL was given no say whatsoever.”, said Cliff Maloney, the president of YAL in a statement posted to Facebook.
The hotel hosting the event and YAL reportedly jumped through every hoop and complied with every demand made by the politicians who run Dallas. The organization had a multitude of safety measures in place, including social distancing, hygiene, and mask procedures. Still, the city of Dallas forced the event to be cancelled less than three days before it was scheduled to begin.
Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota tweeted her disappointment in the tyrants’ use of force against the peaceful assembly that the bill of rights was supposed to protect. Noem went against the majority of states when she refused to restrict the liberty of her citizens due to the coronavirus.

Simply put, this abuse of power violates the right to peaceful assembly, a right that is supposed to be protected by the Constitution. When politicians violate the Constitution, what could be done to punish them?
This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Liberty Block or any of its members. We welcome all forms of serious feedback and debate.