Are you a progressive?

Do you disagree with everything you’ve seen so far from The Liberty Block? Do you hate capitalism, gun rights, educational freedom, and those damned conservative bigots???

We have great news for you!

The progressive solution pic

We still love you and we still wish you only happiness and success. We have only one request: Leave us alone and let us live our lives the way we want to. And we would be happy to leave you alone! Fair enough? 🙂

What does this look like in practice?

As states become more independent, and eventually exit the failing union (The United States), please let us go our separate ways. We in New Hampshire do not want to be forced to live under the same laws as progressives in California, and we know that the feeling is mutual. No hard feelings!

We teamed up with progressives from Calexit to write a book that you are sure to love! It is called ‘The Progressive Solution: How conservatives have made America hostile to progressives, and what can be done about it’, and you can easily find it on Amazon. We would appreciate it very much if you’d consider checking it out. If you like it, please leave a review on the book’s page. If you hate it and think that we are insane – that’s even better! That is even more evidence that we should not be living in the same ‘country’ as each other!

The Liberty Block is happy to partner with our allies in the Progressive State Project, a movement to help progressives find the most welcoming state to live in within the united states.