Below are just a few examples of major victories that The Liberty Block played a key role in:

  • Working with many passionate activists and pro-liberty groups, The Liberty Block published articles and successfully pressured the Executive Council to reject a disturbing federal grant related to corona-fascism.
  • The Liberty Block worked closely with Rep. Mike Sylvia and other pro-liberty pro-independence activists in New Hampshire to propose and promote the historic legislation (CACR) that seeks to place independence on the ballot for the people to vote on. CACR32 is currently in the NH House.
  • Published two articles that ultimately led to the sponsor of HB1590 withdrawing his own bill – which would have given the government permission to automatically mail speeding tickets to every driver who passed through a high-speed camera-toll at a speed above the posted speed limit. was a major contributor to this victory, as well.
  • The biennial budget passed in 2021 included historic provisions, including the first-ever restriction on late-term abortion in NH history, the first-ever education freedom accounts in NH history, the elimination and decrease of multiple taxes, a state spending decrease from last year, and more. The Liberty Block helped the House Freedom Caucus, Reopen NH, and many other organizations pass this budget, which is the most pro-freedom and pro-life budget in our state’s history.
  • Contributed to the killing of HB1649, which was a broadly supported bipartisan bill which would have created a new tax. Our article opposing the bill reached three thousand people in New Hampshire.
  • Contributed to the killing of SB719, a bill which could have imprisoned people for a year for misplacing a firearm, even if only temporarily. 
  • Reached over 40,000 readers with our numerous articles, videos, podcasts, and memes opposing HB628, a nefarious (yet popular) bill that would have created a new payroll tax in New Hampshire, along with a massive new government program. The bill passed the House and failed in the Senate.
  • The Liberty Block was the first publication to discover and warn readers about the insanity within HB493, a bill which would have made it a crime to disobey any Corona-paranoid statist or mask-Nazi. After a few thousand people read our article exposing the bill, its death was recommended by the House Criminal Justice by a vote of 20-1, and it is now on the consent calendar to be killed (the highway to hell).
  • We have reached over one million readers, viewers, and listeners since moving to New Hampshire in November of 2017, and we continue to grow and expand our operations on a weekly basis.
  • Even without using Facebook or Twitter, we are continuing to grow in readership, listenership, and viewership.
  • The Liberty Block’s EJS podcast has published a show every Wednesday since July of 2020, reaching thousands of listeners via our podcasts.
  • We have many videos on, the non-leftist alternative to YouTube.
  • The Liberty Block published its first book, The Blueprint For Liberty in February of 2021.
  • In March of 2021, Alu self-published his 2nd book, titled ‘Corona-fascism’.
  • On April 5th of 2021, Alu signed with Defiance Press Publishing, who will publish ‘Corona-fascism’.
  • On April 19th of 2021, The Liberty Block published ‘The Progressive Solution’ as part of a joint effort with Calexit and Yes California. The short book makes the case to a target audience of left-leaning readers that secession is their only hope.