For the third year in a row, New Hampshire Democrats seem to be proposing a bill which would create an income/payroll tax in the state. As they did for the past 2 years, they appear to be disguising their intentions by calling it a ‘family medical leave insurance’ bill. 

At this stage, the bill is only an LSR, so only the title is available and we cannot see the text. This is the same title as the previous income tax bills, so we are fairly certain that it will be the identical proposal as the radical progressives proposed in the past. 

This particular program is one of the most sinister ever proposed by the radical socialists. Since 2018, The Liberty Block has published a multitude of articles explaining how damaging this program would be for our economy and for our culture of freedom. 

In 2018, the bill passed the House and died in the senate. Last year, the FMLI income tax bill passed both chambers and was vetoed by Sununu. This year, Republicans control all branches of government in New Hampshire, so its prospects are even worse. 

While Democrats are trying with all their might to raise taxes on individuals and businesses, Republicans have other ideas: The incoming majority party wants to cut taxes. 

According to Republican legislators, a bill decreasing the tax on rooms and meals, businesses, and interest & dividends are all on the table for this bienniun. 

“The people spoke on election night and it’s obvious that the Democrat’s thinly veiled attempts at imposing income taxes in NH did not go unseen. NH citizens know that a great deal of what makes us a special and successful state is remaining a sales and income tax free state, so they put Republicans in control- the party that supports limited government and fiscal conservatism.”, Melissa Blasek, (R-Merrimack) told The Liberty Block. 

We will follow LSR-2021-0034 and update this article once it becomes a bill.