On Saturday, April 24th, a large protest was held at the State House in Concord, New Hampshire. At least a few hundred citizens attended the rally to oppose racism, but this anti-racism protest was not like most others; the protestors opposed discrimination against any type of people, including whites.
The impetus for the protest was House Bill 544, a bill which would prohibit taxpayer dollars from being used to teach ‘critical race theory’ in New Hampshire’s public schools. The theory teaches that white people are inherently racist, and it indoctrinates children – including white children – to believe that being white is a bad thing, and that they should be ashamed of their evil and unacceptable whiteness. Currently, CRT is taught in schools in corporate training throughout the united states.
The legislation would end CRT in New Hampshire, and it is supported by a majority of legislators in each chamber. The legislation was placed into the state budget, which means that it is likely to pass. Dictator Chris Sununu has made it clear that he would veto the legislation, despite its strong support by his fellow Republicans. Now that it is in the budget, it is unclear whether he would veto the whole budget and cause a ‘government shutdown’ just because he believes so strongly that children should be taught that whites are all evil.

In a recent interview, Sununu told NHPR that “…I do believe we have elements of racism and implicit bias throughout all parts of our community. And so it’s not just a school issue or a law enforcement issue. It’s a cultural issue.”
Among the roughly 200 attendees, around 20 languages and 50 races were represented. The speakers and frustrated citizens were white, black, Asian, Hispanic, and represented every region of the world. Many of the signs being shown by those in attendance read “All people are created equal” in various languages, including Russian, Hebrew, Afrikaans, Georgian, Chinese, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Spanish, Thai, French, and Japanese. Speakers who happened to be black, gay, Asian, and female criticized the racist brainwashing of our youth, explaining that it is related to the cultural Marxism seen in communist regimes throughout the world. Many speakers mentioned that CRT was part of the ‘divide and conquer’ tactic used by politicians and the radical left.

Around 20 to 30 Republican state representatives were also in attendance, strongly urging Dictator Sununu to end racism in New Hampshire’s public schools. Prominent Republican and libertarian leaders at the protest included Chris Ager, the state’s RNC representative, Jason Osborne, the House Majority Leader, Carla Gericke, Rep. Melissa Blasek, Director of Reopen New Hampshire, Rep. Yakubovich, Rep. Ammon, Rep. Cushman, Rep. Layon, Rep. Love, Lily Tang Williams, Corky Messner, Steve Negron, and many others.
In addition to The Liberty Block, other media outlets at the event included The Epoch Times and other local publications and news channels.
Within a few weeks, we will find out how much Sununu is willing to do in order to keep anti-white indoctrination in our public schools.
UPDATE: The CRT ban was placed into the budget, which passed into law.