SPONSORS: Rep. Porter, Hills. 1; Rep. Le, Rock. 31; Sen. D’Allesandro, Dist 20

Two New Hampshire State Representatives and one Senator have proposed a bill that would create a mandatory registry of all persons in New Hampshire who are “deaf, hard of hearing, and blind/deaf”. Introduced by three Democrats, HB487 is one of the countless examples of the majority party seeking to regulate as many aspects of as many lives as they can before they lose their majorities in 2020.

Should the bill pass, the State’s Dept. of Health and Human Services would mandate that: 

“All physicians and other licensed or certified health care providers who are qualified by training to make the diagnosis and who then make the diagnosis that a person of any age is deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf/blind shall report all new cases of this diagnosis to the department in a form and manner prescribed by the commissioner. The report shall be in writing and shall include the provider submitting the report’s name and address, the deaf or hard of hearing or deaf/blind person’s date of birth, gender, zip code at birth residence, zip code of present residence, specific diagnosis, and other information the department deems necessary.”

This new law would seemingly force every single person who is diagnosed with hearing loss to be placed on a state registry, so that the government could keep track of them. Why would the Democratic politicians want to retain a registry specifically comprised of people with these disabilities? The bill seems to imply that it is necessary in order for the government – the rightful owner of all people, it would according to these democrats’ actions – to facilitate the appropriate care for the individuals in the registry. The bill has passed the House and is now in the Senate Executive Departments & Administration Committee. 

Unfortunately, many people worship and adore the government so much that they truly do not believe that politicians may not be angels. These people are notmay not be skeptical about a new registry of humans by the New Hampshire government, and would likely consider this author paranoid for even implying that a government registry of any kind could be potentially problematic. ItTherefore, it should be mentioned that this author’s great-grandfather fled Austria with his family once the Nazi Party began implementing ‘common-sense’ regulations and creating ‘benign’ registries in Germany. His neighbors mocked him and referred to him as paranoid and stupid. Those who mocked him are probably long dead, while his legacy lives on through his many descendents. Among those descendents are a few of the members of The Liberty Block team. 

It is incumbent upon all individuals to thoroughly and perpetually resist any ‘registry’ created by the government, regardless of its purported justification. 

The public hearing for HB487 will take place at 9:00 am on Wednesday, April 3rd in room 101 of the Legislative Office Building (behind the State House).

Stay tuned for updates. Email the entire committee if you cannot speak at the public hearing so that you can voice your opinions on the bill.


The bill has failed to pass.