In a major pivot, Alu Axelman has decided to write a book that could be consumed easily in one sitting by the average reader. In only around 15 minutes, a person of average intelligence can understand why the US Constitution is fatally flawed. Many pro-liberty individuals believe that if we could just get the federal government to ‘obey the Constitution’, (which is universally recognized as the least likely goal imaginable) life would be perfect and no violations of liberty would ever occur again. In his 8th book, Alu destroys this ‘constitutionalist’ dream. 

The description of the book explains: We all learned as children that the founders of our great country threw off the British tyrants in 1776. The revolutionaries then wrote our wonderful Constitution in order to ensure that our liberties would remain free from an oppressive government forever. But how would you feel if the Constitution was designed to give the government massive powers and what if it neglected to protect individual liberties?

Within one day of being released, the book became a #1 new release in its category on Amazon, and it currently sits at #3 for all books in its category. Assuming the book continues to be well-received, Alu is likely to continue publishing short books. 

The book is called How Amazing Is The US Constitution?’, and it is available on Amazon and as a Kindle e-book. Personalized signed copies could also be purchased directly from Alu. The philosophy expressed in the book was heavily inspired by Lysander Spooner. The practicality was totally inspired by Ian Underwood, the creator of ‘Bare Minimum Books’

The cover features a few familiar founding fathers and a few lesser-known patriots from the revolutionary era. Alu manually replaced Alexander Hamilton with Lysander Spooner and John Adams with Benjamin Franklin. George Washington remains in the top center, with James Madison to the right of him (by his left shoulder) and Thomas Jefferson in the bottom left corner of the cover, below Franklin. The five men on the bottom from left to right are George Mason, Richard Henry Lee, Noah Webster, Patrick Henry, and Daniel Webster. 

Here are some of the early reviews:

“If you’ve read the constitution and think you understand it, you should read this book. For that matter, if you haven’t read the constitution, you should read this book. Axelman points out, in an engaging and simple way, what powers the government is supposed to have and the related flaws in this supposedly great document. I highly recommend this short and easy-to-read book.” – Jody U.

“Alu goes though many parts of the Constitution that have been used to justify the enormous bureaucracy of Washington DC and ever-expanding powers of Congress, the President, and SCOTUS.
The limits that are there are ignored, and the words used are redefined to suit the political agenda of the politicians and the Supreme Court justices (but then I repeat myself). I found this book quite thought provoking – while I thought of counterarguments against some of the author’s arguments why the Constitution as worded allowed the tyrants to do as they please, in the end evidence is on the side that the Constitution was too open for Big Government to form. It turns out the Anti-federalists were right. Alu explains why here. Whether you agree or disagree, this book is worth a read. For those who love the Constitution and consider it an awesome document (which includes me), if you can’t handle reading arguments on how it failed your position may need to be reconsidered. Perhaps it is tenuous, or religion worship in nature, or an unexamined unquestioned deep-seated belief. Perhaps your government school indoctrination makes it difficult to even entertain an explanation of the problems in the Constitution that helped lead to what we see today in DC. Have the balls to read it and think through arguments defending your position! Great book. Short and to the point. Made me think! Trigger warning: it’s only for those willing to think.”
– Keith B.

“As a busy parent and business owner, I loved how quick and easy of a read this was. Lots of interesting points and concepts. Highly recommend purchasing and reading this one!” – Michelle R.

“This is by far the shortest of Alu’s books, and the easiest to read. I’m always surprised by his ability to show me things I didn’t know, even in areas where I feel like I’ve already seen or heard everything before, and even in a book short enough to digest in a single sitting. This book is a great introduction, not just to a subject everyone should know about, but to an author that everyone should be familiar with.” – Holden C.

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Liberty Block or any of its members. We welcome all forms of serious feedback and debate.

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