Over the past few years, people have become increasingly concerned with the proliferation of adults encouraging susceptible children to engage in inappropriate behavior. It is easy to understand that a person with more life experience, power, or intellect should not influence or coerce weaker individuals to do their bidding, especially if such acts could cause permanent harm to the subjects. 

In 2010, a 19-year-old Muslim boy named Mohamed Osman Mohamud was influenced by men who had authority over him to commit a despicable act. Due to the criminal nature of the act, he was prosecuted and sent to federal prison for thirty years. The armed gangsters who committed the coercion were never punished. 

In 2016, news broke about armed gangsters in Oakland who coerced and groomed Jasmine Abuslin, a 17-year-old girl to have sex with them and pimped her out to others. The gangsters and rapists were not punished by the government. 

In the same year, KQED.org reported that Nola Brantley was sexually abused by an armed member of the gang’s San Francisco division when she was 14-years-old. That gangster also got away with the crime with no time behind bars.

In 2017, two senior members of the gang’s NYC contingent became infamous when credibly accused of kidnapping and raping an 18-year-old girl at gunpoint. These predators had the cojones to go to the ER with their guns and intimidate her into not pressing charges against them for raping her. The two men, Eddie Martins and Richard Hall won’t see any time in jail either.

In 2020, armed men from the same gang used manipulation to groom a few young and suggestible men, eventually causing them to be arrested for the attempted kidnap of a powerful woman and prosecuted by federal attorneys. One of the grooming victims was convicted and sentenced to 16 years in federal prison

There have been countless cases of grooming and sexual assault perpetrated by this gang, which has over a million members throughout the united states. 

In June 2023, news broke about an especially disturbing case of grooming in Arizona. A 16-year-old developmentally disabled boy was groomed by an armed gangster, who happened to be a member of the same gang as the one featured in the previous stories. For two years, the gangster messaged the teen, earning his trust and creating a fake relationship with him. By the time he was 18, Mateo Ventura had sent $1,670 in Google Play gift cards to the predator. The boy tried reporting the gangster to the authorities, but his pleas were ignored. Not only is the criminal not being punished, but he and his powerful gang leaders are openly trying to kidnap the boy and put him in a cage for ten years. The gangsters actually have the chutzpah to claim that the mentally disabled teen is the terrorist, a tactic this gang has been utilizing for over a decade.

Some libertarians are hoping that a recent incident of grooming could raise enough negative attention to bring an end to this disturbing practice. 

Legal experts who wish to remain anonymous have explained to The Liberty Block that in order to put an end to (or even diminish) this form of grooming, there must be some major changes in the laws, including the likely overturning of long-held doctrines by the US Supreme Court

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Liberty Block or any of its members. We welcome all forms of serious feedback and debate.

Categories: Opinion