Alu’s Breakdown of Chiaverini v. Napoleon

While blockbuster cases like Garland v. Cargill (bump stock ban), U.S. v. Rahimi (restraining orders & gun control), FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (abortion pill), Murthy v. Missouri (censorship) and Trump v. U.S. (immunity) are making all the headlines, another recent decision by the Supreme Court caught my attention due to my interest in due process and government accountability.

Alu’s Breakdown of the U.S. v. Rahimi Supreme Court Decision

At long last, the SCOTUS has published their decision in U.S. v. Rahimi. The case arose from a conviction of a Texas man named Zackey Rahimi, who was found guilty of violating a federal law. Specifically, Rahimi violated 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8), which prohibits the possession of firearms by anyone who is the subject of a domestic violence restraining order. Interestingly, the restraining orders are issued by state courts, while the law in question is federal.

Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – April

This sermon is made in honor of the holy sacrament of 4/20. In the Torah, God said in the context of creating the world for man, “See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food.” Genesis 1:29. When God created this holy proclamation to humanity, he was, of course, aware that he had given humanity cannabis, psilocybin, opiates, alcohol, and other plants or plant-derived substances that would change the human consciousness from its default state.

Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – March

In the Torah, in the Chapter of Leviticus 19:36, it states, “You shall have an honest balance, honest weights, an honest unit of dry good measurement, and an honest unit of wet good measurement. I יהוה am your God who freed you from the land of Egypt.” In ancient Israeli society, weights were used to measure goods as well as means of exchange, such as gold or silver, to facilitate trade.

10 Reasons To Support HB1276 & Legalize Brass Knuckles!

In the Live Free or Die state, there are generally no restrictions for carrying any weapons. Granite Staters may legally carry pistols and rifles open or concealed. However, brass knuckles remain illegal to carry. Last year, the House passed House Bill 31, which would have eliminated the carrying of brass knuckles and similar self-defense tools from the list of crimes in the books. The Senate killed the bill with a voice vote. This year, ten Republican legislators proposed House Bill 1276. It again passed the House, and it is now in the Senate. 

Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – February

Isaiah stated in the Tanakh, “Your silver is fake, and your wine is watered down.” -Isaiah 1:22.

At this point in time, Isaiah lived in Jerusalem during the latter half of Israel’s kingdom and was speaking with the leaders of Jerusalem and Judah on God’s behalf. He was warning the leaders of their corruption and that this corruption against God’s commandments would have dire consequences.

Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – January

Starting in January, I have begun writing sermons or as we say in Judaism “drashot,” about my religious beliefs regarding blockchain technology. I believe that in the current age, my religious beliefs are under attack and so I believe it is my duty to articulate my beliefs to normalize them in the hopes that they will be normalized as I continue to articulate them. 

Trump Loves Free College, Haley Hates Privacy

In a recent video, Donald Trump unveiled his latest campaign promise: Give the socialists what they have been striving for – a socialist college system administered and funded by the federal government that is tuition-free. Chuck and Nate from ‘Liberty At Night’ pointed out, the program would not likely be completed before 2028, at which point Trump would have to leave office, anyway. (When’s the last time the government efficiently created a huge new program?) In 2029, the socialist college would be controlled by President Newsom or Warren…what could go wrong?

How To Double The Number of Free Staters In One Simple Step

“Liberty in our lifetime“ – for Free Staters this is not just an empty slogan. It is the rallying cry we listened to and took to heart before we uprooted our lives, packed the moving van, and started driving to New Hampshire. It encapsulates more than just a political strategy, it demonstrates hope. The hope that we do not have to descend into the darkness of totalitarianism, but have a fighting chance against the forces of deceit and communism.