UPDATE: This bill has passed the House and is now in the Senate Judiciary Committee
Legislation proposed by nine Republicans in the New Hampshire House would compel the Attorney General to request information from the federal government regarding their law enforcement activities in our state.
House Bill 1411 is a simple bill that would make the state government ask the federal government for monthly reports regarding:
(a) Total number of agency facilities in the state.
(b) Total number of permanent staff positions assigned to New Hampshire with indicated number of increases or decreases occurring in the previous month.
(c) Total number of temporary staff assigned to New Hampshire with indicated number of increases or decreases occurring in the last month.
(d) Total number of completed federal surveillance operations on New Hampshire residence year to date, updated monthly.
(e) Total number of completed federal investigations into New Hampshire residents year to date, updated monthly.
(f) Total number of federal warrants served on New Hampshire residents year to date, updated monthly.
(g) Total number of federal no-knock warrants served on New Hampshire residents year to date, updated monthly.
(h) Total number of federal arrests of New Hampshire residents year to date, updated monthly.
(i) Total number of federal foreign refugee relocations in New Hampshire year to date, updated monthly.
The bill also directs the New Hampshire AG to “compile this data by agency, and create and
maintain a public internet webpage with a searchable database containing these key metrics and links to the public homepage of all federal agencies authorized to conduct law enforcement, investigatory, or surveillance activity in New Hampshire.”
It is not totally clear how many federal agents are currently in New Hampshire abusing our citizens for petty crimes, but we know that it does happen. This bill would formally ask the DC politicians to keep us informed of their activity within our state. We do know that in March of 2021, cops from numerous federal agencies viciously raided the homes of pro-freedom individuals and arrested them for using crypto-currency. They face charges amounting to decades in federal prison for a few victimless crimes such as using, buying, and selling crypto-currency.

Of course, cutting ties with DC altogether would solve this issue entirely. Without ties to the union, federal agents would never again be able to enter New Hampshire to punish our residents for using cannabis, crypto-currency, suppressors, or anything else. Two of the co-sponsors of this bill also co-sponsored the legislation to place secession on the ballot, and many of the other co-sponsors also indicated that they support full secession.
Jason · January 30, 2022 at 1:56 am
Damn, I wish I knew this was happening. Such an important issue. I’d also say we need a bill dealing with the conditions of prisons within NH. Both state and federal…
The Liberty Block · January 30, 2022 at 12:13 pm
It is not too late to call/email your reps and tell them to support this bill, Jason!!
Nathaniel · January 31, 2022 at 2:24 am
Obviously, divorce from DC is better, but this is a decent stop-gap until that happens.
Deanne · February 1, 2022 at 12:41 pm
All very reasonable requests. We SHOULD be privy to this information. It should be a given… in a sane, just, and decent society.
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