Some time on Thursday, July 11th, Biden lost his spot as the odds-on favorite to win the Democrat nomination for President, according to The 81-year-old is already the oldest President in history, and his age has rapidly been catching up with him of late. He would be 86 years old by the end of his next term. After an undisputedly pathetic performance in the June 27 debate against Trump, Democrats have been rapidly leaving the Biden bandwagon. Biden’s apparent dementia was noticeable during the 2020 election and is now impossible to ignore. As of today, 18 Democrat Congressmen have called on Biden to leave the race for reelection.

Predict It
This unique website allows political junkies (or common gamblers) to bet on political outcomes, such as elections. If you believe that a person will win an election, for example, you’ll want to buy shares of the “yes” for that question. As with everything else in the world, the more people interested in buying the “yes,” the more expensive it becomes. And the inverse is true about the “no.” Shares can cost anywhere from one penny to one dollar, and they fluctuate in real time to reflect the perpetual sentiment of those willing to put their money behind their assertions. In this example, Biden has been leading the pack as the favorite to win the Dem nomination all along. Biden shares traded at over 80 cents while nobody else was above 8 cents. And then the President demonstrated to the world at the debate that he could not function as a competent adult, let alone leader of the world. Since that moment, his stock has plummeted. Taking away his percentage points was Gavin Newsom at first, but then Kamala Harris took nearly all of Biden’s points away.

As of this writing, with 45 million shares being traded, the smart money has Harris at 48 cents and Biden at 43 and falling. On the Republican side, betters are practically in 100% agreement that Trump will be the nominee, despite recently being convicted of 34 felonies.

On Friday morning, Fox News reported that large Democrat donors froze $90 million in pledges and will only move forward with the donations if Biden is not the presidential nominee. Without the donors, Biden can’t win the election.
The good news for the Republicans is that Biden and Harris are both terribly unpopular and would likely lose to Trump in the 2024 election.
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