Yet again, politicians are sensing the diminishing paranoia. As expected, they are now spreading fear about another ‘variant’ and using it to bring corona-fascism back to maximum levels. Again, they have shifted from counting deaths to counting ‘cases’ or other inflated ‘statistics’.
On Friday, Biden announced that he was banning travel from eight countries in Africa, citing the concerning contagiousness of the new COVID variant that could spread to the united states.
The World Health Organization has said that the ‘Omicron’ variant is highly transmissible. Of course, the laws of basic virology state that the more contagious a virus, the less lethal it is. Still, the elites are using the new variant to cause yet another wave of panic around the world.
As reported by Politico, “There was no immediate indication whether the variant causes more severe disease. As with other variants, some infected people display no symptoms, South African experts said.”
The European Union, Israel, and other countries have also banned travel from the southern countries in Africa. Publications like CNN are wasting no time in their hurry to scare their readers back into hiding. If this variant is a contagious and deadly as they are claiming, it will surely kill everyone in Africa within a few weeks. If African nations are still alive in a few months, the politicians will once again have egg on their faces.
While Biden was running against Trump, he was quick to call Trump a stupid anti-science racist for imposing travel bans to slow the spread of COVID.
As expected, elites like Biden are continuing to push the mega-profitable COVID vaccines as the ultimate solution to the Omicron variant of COVID:
“Here’s the deal: Every American who has not been vaccinated should be responsible and be vaccinated from age five years and up… Everyone eligible for booster shots should get the booster shot immediately upon being eligible. That is a minimum that everyone should be doing,” said Biden.
Not to be outdone by other tyrants, Dictator Hochul of New York declared a ‘state of emergency’ in order to wipe out as many liberties as possible in the coming weeks:
“We continue to see warning signs of spikes this upcoming winter, and while the new Omicron variant has yet to be detected in New York State, it’s coming,” Hochul said.
Many skeptics are wondering how the vaccines could continue to be pushed by the elites if since they were introduced, COVID only seems to be getting worse, spreading more, creating new variants, and killing more people than ever?

1 Comment
Deanne · November 30, 2021 at 11:18 am
Preposterous. Seeing the actual quotes is great. It is harder to ignore/avoid past statements when they can be pulled up and shown.
People are getting so accustomed to egg on politicians faces that they don’t seem to notice or mind or even pay attention any more. There is so much egg on most of their faces that they would be unrecognizable if it were visible. No matter. People don’t remember from one day to the next, to say nothing of from one election to the next.
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