New Hampshire Rep: Drinking Water Is Unconstitutional
Concord, New Hampshire – A Republican State Representative has filed a bill to clarify that drinking water should be considered a crime in New Hampshire because it violates the US Constitution.
Concord, New Hampshire – A Republican State Representative has filed a bill to clarify that drinking water should be considered a crime in New Hampshire because it violates the US Constitution.
Immediately after California made the decision, five other leftist states followed suit. It’s only a matter of time before this policy spreads to every state or is enacted on a federal level.
Facebook Blanket-Bans Potentially Millions of Users without Reason and with a New Type of Ban – Facebook Proves Hostile Business Environment Risk
Just like opening your throat and letting out loud noises could increase transmission of this deadly virus, dancing and other forms of exercise could increase transmission even more.
Over the past few years, radical leftists throughout the US have launched a full-scale war against plastic, Styrofoam, oil, natural gas, coal, wood stoves, guns, ammunition, magazines, houses, cars, meat, milk, and nearly every other item, food, and activity that free people enjoy. In New Hampshire, Democratic politicians would love Read more…