The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #192

Mother convicted of manslaughter for murders committed by her son; Daniel from UK on the King’s medical issues and conspiracy theories; is the Taylor Swift/Kelce relationship a psyop? How many millennials believe the moon landing was faked? The fiasco of the border bill; the U.S. sec’y of state trying to meet with the Israeli military chief of staff with no one else present; Is Milei (in Argentina) backing down at all?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #181

The new president of Argentina, a libertarian anarcho-capitalist; the Israel hostage situation. Speaker Johnson releasing the tapes from J6; why doesn’t Trump fight for the J6 prisoners? Trump pressuring the RNC to shut down debates; Trump’s idea to give free online college from money from endowments; Musk suing Media Matters; Rand Paul and others fighting against covid fascism with more info coming out every week will never have an impact until republican leadership backs it; Ed M posits that the republican party has always been pro-big-government

Anarchist Milei Wins Argentine Presidency; Begins Gutting Government ASAP

Milei won the election with 56% of the general election vote, more than any US President has attained in a general election since Reagan in 1984. And the Argentine turnout of 76% of voters is far higher than we have experienced in over a century. Biden allegedly won in 2020 with around 80 million votes out of 340 million Americans (less than a quarter of the humans). Milei’s 14 million votes amounts to almost a third of the humans in Argentina.