Based on all of the available data and based on my medical experience, logic, and common sense, here are some of the infinite reasons I do NOT recommend receiving the mRNA COVID vaccines:

The vaccines that currently have ‘emergency use authorization’ by our lords in DC are the ones produced by Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. According to the federal government’s Centers For Disease Control (CDC), Over 35,000 individuals have died following the COVID vaccines, which is more deaths than all prior vaccines combined. This figure comes from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). In order to submit a report to VAERS, a doctor must fill it out, and the process takes around 30 minutes per report. The CDC has admitted that less than 1% of adverse events related to vaccines are reported to VAERS. According to the government, more deaths are related to the COVID vaccines than all previous vaccines combined – and it’s only been a year since these new experimental vaccines were approved for emergency use. 

The vaccines seem to be causing an alarming rate of serious heart inflammation, especially in young, healthy males. The CDC has acknowledged this. But they still recommend that all male teens get the vaccine, even if they had COVID previously. 

The elites in pharma/government recklessly rushed the vaccines much faster than ever before, and cut corners in their development and approval. Keep in mind that the elites made a massive effort to suppress and malign all effective treatments so that they could submit the ‘emergency use authorization’ request along with proof that there were no ‘effective treatments’. This is criminal and evil because it actually caused many people to die. For the first time in history, the government prohibited doctors from prescribing FDA-approved medications to their patients. 

Dictator Biden, Lord Fauci, and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky have 100% flipped their position on the vaccines. First, they said that the vaccines totally protect against COVID, meaning that vaccinated persons do not need to wear masks or obey other corona-fascism. Then, they said that the vaccines do not prevent COVID transmission and do not prevent death, and that because they are essentially useless, the vaccinated must still obey all corona-fascist guidelines. 

Even if you got both shots and are now considered by our elites to be ‘fully vaccinated’, within a few weeks, you will be considered ‘not fully vaccinated’ until you receive the first booster (the third shot), and then the same will happen with the fourth shot, and so on. They also use this tactic of moving goalposts to fudge the data. They claim that the massive majority of people dying of COVID were ‘not fully vaccinated’. Get it?

Keep in mind that the coronavirus is generally roughly as severe and roughly as contagious as the flu. For children, the flu is more severe and infectious. The statistics being published by the elites are inflated by unfathomable numbers.

If you wish to write a rebuttal to this article, please contact me and I will publish it on The Liberty Block. 

There are literally thousands of sites and sources demonstrating that the vaccines are not as safe or effective as the elites would like us to believe. I am sorry, but I am simply going to dump (a few of) the remainder of the links here: 

Scottish study shows vaccines don’t work

UK Now Reports Myocarditis stratified by Age & Sex After Vaccine Or Sars-cov-2

The federal government admits that pilots (all of which were forced to get the COVID vaccines) are now so likely to have a cardiac abnormality represented by an AV block on their EKG that they’ve widened the acceptable parameters for pilots to be medically cleared to fly airplanes.

Over 100 studies show that natural immunity is better than vaccine-induced immunity

18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

17 More Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

OSHA Instructs Federal Agencies Not to Record Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccine

Alert: Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on ‘Vaccines’ – Requires Informed Consent

Union protests New York-Presbyterian’s COVID vaccine mandate for staff

Only 50% of CDC Has Taken the Vaccine

Natural Immunity Offers 13x Better Protection Against Delta Variant Than Pfizer Vaccine: Study

Corona-Fascism: How Politicians Used A Virus to Eliminate Privacy, Enrich Themselves, and Put the Final Nail In Liberty’s Coffin – Alu’s book

Evidence grows stronger for Covid vaccine link to heart issue, CDC says

JAMA study: COVID is less severe than flu in children

AHA study: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

US recommends ‘pause’ for J&J vaccine over clot reports

57 Top Scientists and Doctors: Stop All Covid Vaccinations

Nurse explains why she won’t get COVID-19 vaccine

Biden Announces Door-to-Door ‘Outreach’ TeaBiden ms to ‘Get Americans Vaccinated’

13-Year-Old Michigan Boy Dies Unexpectedly from Cardiac Event – His Aunt Says It was 3 Days After Second COVID Shot — Heart Was Enlarged

Crimes of Covid Vaccine Maker Pfizer Documented

Did This Congressman’s Nephew Die From The Pfizer Vaccine?

Disturbing: Elites Use Bribery & Propaganda To Push Experimental Vaccines

Rebuttal To Article Condemning ‘Vaccine Hesitant’ People

COVID Vaccine Shows Promise, Dems Upset That It May Work

LA school vaccinated kids without parental consent, bribed them with pizza, told them not to tell

Fauci and the CDC literally torture puppies, monkeys, and even human children

Draper teenager hospitalized with blood clots after COVID-19 vaccine shot

Spike Protein Induced By COVID Vaccines Inhibits DNA Repair & Is Linked To Cancer Finds Major Swedish Study

Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Site Shut Down After Adverse Reactions Reported

Family blames Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine after man reportedly suffers stroke

AstraZeneca Covid vaccine suspended in some countries over blood clot fears

South Africa halts AstraZeneca vaccine after study questions effectiveness against variant

Heart inflammation in young men higher than expected after Pfizer, Moderna vaccines -US CDC

Wait what? FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data

COVID Vaccine Killing Huge Numbers, Warns Leading Doctor – Liberty Sentinel


Did CDC erase vaccine deaths from VAERS?

Holocaust Survivor’s Shocking Interview: Compares COVID Vaccine Segregation & “Great Reset” to Hitler’s Master Plan

How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions

Another prominent scientist speaks against the covid vaccine ⋆ The Savage Nation

Dr. Makary Says Natural Immunity Is More Effective Then Vaccine Immunity

Video about why you should not get these vaccines

Israel says Pfizer Covid vaccine is just 39% effective as delta spreads

5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021

Dictionary changes definitions of ‘vaccine’ and ‘anti-vaxxer’

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Liberty Block or any of its members. We welcome all forms of serious feedback and debate. 


Deanne · December 14, 2021 at 1:01 pm

I agree with the point of the article, but I have read that anyone can file a VAERS report and think it is important for people to know they can do it themselves since doctors often don’t have the time (or motivation) to do it. One doctor I heard of recently had 2000 (of 20,000 patients) adverse reactions. She only filed 2 VAERS reports. She said she would complete the form and it would go blank and she would have to start all over again. There is no way she had the time to report all 2000, even if the system worked properly. The article about this may have been on Children’s Health Defense.

It seems that nearly every time I go to Children’s Health Defense to read an article, there is a message reminding people to fill out VAERS reports about their adverse events, as well as another reporting system, which I’m sure is a back-up verification since, as a whistleblower has reported, the vast majority of VAERS reports are not being publicized. We have no idea how many aren’t even being reported (although for the above-mentioned doctor, it is 1 per 1000) due to the fact that the vast majority of people have no idea VAERS even exists, time constraints, VAERS system malfunctions, the lack of making a connection between the shots and the adverse event(s), or other reasons.

Please let people know THEY can fill out a VAERS report. It doesn’t have to be a doctor that does it.

Introducing The Progressive State Swap! - The Liberty Block · December 26, 2021 at 3:42 am

[…] to forcibly inject experimental, questionably effective, Big Pharma chemicals into the bodies of non-consenting adults and their children? There are […]

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