The US Is Already A ‘Democratic Socialist’ Nation
The US already fits every one of these descriptions, at least to some extent. Nobody would dispute that all property is ultimately owned and controlled by the government (collectively by the public). We wrote a whole article explaining that private property rights do not truly exist in the US.
No, The US Constitution Is Not A Great Document!
Over the past few years, I have come to believe that the Constitution is incompatible and maybe even harmful to freedom.
How The Federal Reserve Is Stealing Our Money
Over the past few months, they have cut their interest rate by a drastic 73%. Now, they can only offer customers a 0.8% interest rate. Why did they do this? What impact will this have?
Why Are Grants So Damn Evil?
Grant – At first, this term may not seem totally benign, but it is generally malicious in the context of the government and policies.
The Ultimate Distinction
In my years analyzing and debating politics, I have noticed that while some people do truly differ with others on fundamental ideologies, miscommunication is often the root cause of mutual animus.
How To Frame The Censorship Debate
“When an interactive computer service provider removes or restricts access to content and its actions do not meet the criteria of subparagraph (c)(2)(A), it is engaged in editorial conduct. It is the policy of the United States that such a provider should properly lose the limited liability shield of subparagraph “
Know Your Candidates: Health Care
Should the government control and administer health care? Should patients be free to seek whatever medical care they desire? Here’s where they stand:
Know Your Candidates: Gun Rights
Here’s how the three candidates stand on the right to own and use weapons for self-defense:
Rebuttal To NY Post’s Sensationalist Article
Paramedics should almost never transport patients who have remained in cardiac arrest and do not have a return of spontaneous circulation.