On Friday, April 9th, Republican Speaker of the House, Sherman Packard, called a woman a bitch while presiding over the House session. The target of his comment was Anne Copp, a fellow Republican representative. The House Speaker thought he had moved away from the microphone when he made the nasty remark, but the whole Bedford Sports Complex heard him clearly. What followed was a very embarrassing moment for the man who is supposed to be the leader of the Legislature and the Party. 

What did Representative Copp do to deserve the terrible comment from her caucus leader? She stood up from her seat in the ‘maskless legislators’ section and walked around.

After the House clerk reminded Copp to keep her mask on if she wants to stand up, Packard leaned over and said “She’s just a bitch.”

Copp and a group of around a dozen Republican Representatives have been vocal opponents of the mask mandates, the economic destruction, the closure of churches, and corona-fascism in general.

Tyrants like Packard, who are paranoid and/or evil believe that if a person breathes for one moment without a cotton mask (which literally does nothing whatsoever to stop COVID) everyone within a mile has a 100% chance of contracting COVID and a 100% chance of dying immediately. Therefore, Packard and the Democrats applauding him on Twitter believe that Copp is essentially guilty of murder. 

After being publicly shamed by a fellow Republican member and the Speaker of the House, the freshmen Representative left the sports complex for at least part of the session. 

Of course, they are all totally fine sitting with many other maskless people in restaurants as long as they are eating. Logic has no place in the ideology of psychopaths. They are, by definition, detached from reality. 

Whether the uncouth, anti-liberty Speaker will be forced to step down remains to be seen. The tyrant issued a meaningless apology, but everyone knows that he meant what he said. Will the Republicans stand for freedom and sanity or will they support Packard and coronafascism

Email Speaker Packard at sherman.packard@leg.state.nh.us if you’d like to let him know how you feel about his behavior. He may need a little motivation to step down from his position atop the New Hampshire House.


Kelley · April 10, 2021 at 5:59 am

Great article!!! THANK YOU! ♥️Anne Copp♥️

You might want to fix this typo!
5th Paragraph: “Sociopaths like Packard, who are paranoid and/or evil believe that if a person breathes for one money” money should be MOMENT 🙂

    The Liberty Block · April 10, 2021 at 6:07 am

    Thank you so much!

Liberty Roundup · April 10, 2021 at 8:28 am

You should drop a link for your book at the end of this article. It is very much in theme.

    The Liberty Block · April 10, 2021 at 9:38 am

    Excellent idea. Thank you very much!!

Tanya Russell · April 14, 2021 at 11:45 am

It is quite evident that Speaker Packard has a great level of disdain for freshman Rep. Copp because she’s everything he’s supposed to be. Rep. Copp is clearly fighting to preserve our liberty and freedoms from being surrended to people whose plan it was to take them from us in the first place. People are so willing to do anything for the hope of a little security regardless of how stupid it is. How many have considered the damage the decrease in oxygen does to their body wearing these masks for extended periods of time? People have injured their immune systems with these useless masks. When COVID-19 first happened. We were told only N95 masks protects the wearer against contracting COVID-19 but then the N95 masks were restricted to just hospitals. Why? Because the medical community knew that the majority of us would survive COVID-19 if we got it. Remember, it’s called COVID-19 because it came out in 2019. The medical community realized we were living with and surviving COVID-19 from Nov. 2019 to March 2020. Being alive comes with the risk of dying. We shouldn’t lose our sense of logic or give up our God given liberties and freedoms to people whose plan it was to take them from us in the first place. Pregnant women should not be wearing masks because the fetus needs oxygen too. Isn’t the NH motto, “Live free or die”. How can this man remain Speaker if he’s neither willing to live by the US constitution or the state motto? RINO.

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