Hello, I am Larry Borland from Wolfeboro and I am running on the Republican ticket in the September 13 primary for the New Hampshire House of Representatives for Carroll Co. District 6 (Wolfeboro & Tuftonboro).
I was introduced to the wonders and beauty of New Hampshire during a tour of duty at Pease USAF in the early 70s. Over the years, I have lived or owned property in Dover, Durham, Portsmouth, The Waterville Valley, Derry, and most recently Wolfeboro.
My career was as a pediatrician/pediatric anesthesiologist/critical care physician working at Level 3 pediatric trauma hospitals spanned nearly 45 years. I retired 7 years ago. I have been married for 45 years. My wife is a pediatric hospitalist & pediatric infectious disease specialist. My three adult children are scattered over the Eastern half of the USA (from Maine to Houston).
To the point: I am a Pro-Liberty Republican running for NH House Representative for Carroll Co. District 6 (Wolfeboro & Tuftonboro).
Prior to relocating to NH, I served 8 yr (2 – 4yr terms) as school board president in Franklin Regional School District in Murrysville, PA. A tragic event (the largest mass stabbing in North American history) occurred under my watch at FRSD. The residual physical and psychological damage haunts that community & I remain in touch with many neighbors and friends whose children were (are) affected. One never really leaves one’s community after such an event.
In my career, I was constantly in a position to deal with life-threatening events in infants & children. In my stint as school board president, I (and others) were called upon to deal with crises and life-threatening events. If I win, I hope to share my knowledge and experience in k-12 education issues and school safety with members in Concord, NH (state capital).
I believe that most (not all) of the teen and young adult depression, drug use, and suicidal ideation starts in middle and high school. My goal is to aim resources to improve the mental health of our children so they leave public school prepared to deal with life’s complexities.
I am a lifelong vegetable gardener, a target archer, a long-distance target rifleman, a kayaker, a fly fisherman, & a novice Scottish bagpiper.
I am an NRA Life member (55 yrs) & NRA certified firearm instructor (50+ yrs).
I am asking for your vote on Tuesday, September 13th. Thank you very much!

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