By Alexandra for The Liberty Block

With coronavirus hysteria seemingly ramping down, now is a good time to start implementing some of our lessons learned to make sure that we’re never again subjected to such gross violations of human rights. 

Proposed by 10 Republicans, House Bill 275 seeks to accomplish this by amending RSA 4:45: ”State of Emergency Declaration; Powers” so that the governor’s infinite powers would be restrained, granting some authority back to the elected representatives. 

Instead of being able to create an endless state of emergency, the governor’s orders would have to be reviewed by the General Court (House and Senate) after the first 21 days. If both chambers approve the extension by majority votes, the state of emergency can be extended. 

If the General Court is not able to convene with the required number of members for a vote, it goes to the Executive Council. If the Executive Council votes unanimously, the state of emergency can be extended for another 21 days. 

Here’s the best part: If the Executive Council votes to extend the state of emergency for a second time, the department of revenue along with the local municipalities will not be allowed to collect taxes until the state of emergency expires or until the legislators are able to convene for a vote.

Another important amendment in this bill adds, “the governor shall not suspend existing laws or create rules by emergency order that have the force and effect of law during a state of emergency.” This means that the rule of law doesn’t simply vanish whenever one politician declares an ‘emergency’. 

When asked by a reporter what he thought of the multiple bills that would limit the ’emergency powers’ of the governor, Sununu laughed at the prospect of limiting his powers – he truly believes that he is a dictator and that the legislature has no authority.

HB275 limits the powers of the governor, relieves us of tax liability when we’re not being fairly represented, and protects our God-given liberties, regardless of government-proclaimed ‘emergencies’. This bill is currently in the House Executive Departments and Administration Committee and is expected to be out by March 11th 2021. 

You can email the committee and your representatives and tell them how you feel about this bill. 


Liz · March 6, 2021 at 3:30 pm

I can’t believe that piece of crap laughed

Liz · March 6, 2021 at 3:30 pm

I can’t believe that piece of crap laughed

Chris · March 13, 2021 at 12:06 am

Sounds like a bunch of brainless state reps with a personal vendetta against the governor.why are these people still in there positions?

    The Liberty Block · March 13, 2021 at 12:10 am

    Why do you think that they are brainless?

    Do you believe that the emergency should still be in effect? Do you believe that it’s 100% impossible for legislators to conduct their duties due to the virus? Aren’t they conducting their duties as we speak?

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