Many poorly informed Americans believe that every person in the united states feels the same way about all major issues. They therefore believe that the united states are and should remain one country. They believe that we all need to just ‘come together’ and get along and stop being so divided about trivial matters; we all really want the same things! 

According to scientific, years-long, massive surveys on the major issues facing individuals throughout the united states, the union is divided roughly 50-50, and can never unite. The only solution that any reasonable person could support once seeing this data must be state independence and complete disunion from DC and the other states. 

From 2016-2021, over 200,000 respondents to the question ‘Do you think abortion should legal or illegal?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 57% believe that abortion should be permitted in all or most cases, while 38% believe that it should be prohibited in most or all cases. Does that sound like a union in which everyone is satisfied and united in their beliefs?

From 2017-2021, 200,000 respondents to the question ‘Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Joe Biden?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 54% of Americans disapprove of the President, and 42% approve of him. Does that sound like a union in which everyone is satisfied and united in their beliefs?

From 2015-2021, 600,000 respondents to the question ‘How would you rate the condition of the national economy right now?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 64% of Americans believe that the economy is ‘bad’, and 31% believe that it is ‘good’. That means that two facts must be true: The majority of people do not approve of the government-controlled economy of the united states, which is controlled almost entirely by the federal government, and there is not a clear consensus among all Americans. 

From 2017-2022, 400,000 respondents to the question ‘Do you think things in this country are headed in the right direction, or have they gotten off on the wrong track?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 71% of Americans believe that the union of states is on the wrong track, while 18% believe that the union is headed in the right direction. Again, this makes two facts extremely clear: Americans do not believe that the union can remain intact, and they hate the way DC politicians rule over all 330,000,000 unique individuals in the united states. 

According to an NBC News poll, “72 percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction — essentially unchanged from the 71 percent who held this view in October’s NBC News poll.”

Over the past two years, 275,000 respondents to the question ‘How concerned are you about a coronavirus outbreak in your local area?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 38% of Americans are not at all concerned about COVID. In April of 2020, only 8% were not at all concerned about the virus, indicating that people are becoming less worried about its danger as time goes on. Yet, DC politicians are now implementing more authoritarian corona-fascist rules than ever before. Additionally, this survey also shows an important fact: There is no clear consensus among the people of the united states; they are horribly split on this issue, as they are on nearly all major issues. The survey currently shows that 24% of people are ‘a little concerned’, 24% of people are ‘moderately concerned’, and 13% of people are ‘extremely concerned’. Remember, 38% are ‘not concerned at all’. How could all of those people live under one set of laws?

From 2017-2021, 280,000 respondents to the question ‘ Do you support or oppose the Black Lives Matter movement?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 43% of Americans support BLM and 44% oppose the Marxist anti-white movement. This makes one thing very clear: We are not all united. We are as divided as we could possibly be. Is the solution forcing us all to live together or let states go their separate ways?

From 2015-2021, 257,000 respondents to the question ‘Do you favor or oppose stricter gun control laws?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 48% of people in the united states want to pass stricter gun control laws, while 47% do not want stricter gun control laws. If that does not indicate that the people throughout the united states are divided on the issue of guns, I can’t imagine what would.

From 2015-2021, 400,000 respondents to the question ‘Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, only 38% of respondents said they have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party – the party that currently controls all parts of Washington DC, while 55% have an unfavorable opinion of the Democrats. Again, this makes two things very clear: Most people in the united states do not like the federal government, and there is a huge split between the two sides of the united states. 

From 2017-2021, 200,000 respondents to the question ‘Do you think that the use of cannabis should be legal, or not?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 70% said they believe that it should be legal, while 20% said that it should remain illegal. Currently, the benevolent geniuses in DC still have cannabis listed as a ‘schedule 1’ prohibited substance, which is the most severe designation possible for any substance. DC politicians still believe that cannabis is the most dangerous substance in existence, despite the majority of Americans believing the exact opposite. Yet, some people continue to believe that the federal government perfectly represents the will of all 330 million people in all 50 of the states. 

From 2016-2021, 250,000 respondents to the question ‘Should the United States deport immigrants living here illegally, or offer them a path to citizenship?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 40% said that the illegal aliens should be deported, while 50% said that they should be offered a path to citizenship. Does that sound like a united opinion or a divided opinion? How could one federal government make one legal determination that adequately satisfies both sides of this critical issue? Regardless of what the government decides, one side will feel horribly betrayed by their government. 

From 2018-2021, 143,000 respondents to the question ‘Do you support or oppose raising taxes on the wealthy?’ resulted in the following:

As of this writing, 56% said that they do support raising taxes, while 35% oppose increasing taxes. One thing is clear: We do not all agree on whether taxation should exist and how high it should be.

The same split findings apply to opinions about governmental control of the environment, universal healthcare, universal basic income, a government-guaranteed job, and much more.

Since January 2015, Civiqs has asked over 400,000 people ‘Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party‘ and 400,000 people ‘Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party‘. At no point in time did either of the polls find that either of the two major parties were supported by more than 43% of the people. Does that sound like one big happy country?

The profound divide between American ideological groups doesn’t end with just political differences, though. Republicans and Democrats really do hate each other and they see the other as evil and harmful to humanity. And independents and libertarians often hate those in one or both of the major parties, as well. This divide was bad in 1980, but it is horrific, irreconcilable, and violent in 2022. Go ask an average Democrat voter how they feel about Republicans, and they’d likely tell you that Republicans are evil, bigoted, anti-science, racist, misogynist neanderthals who don’t deserve to live. Go ask the average Republican voter how they feel about Democrats, and they’d likely tell you that Democrats are baby-killing, anti-liberty, perverted, communist, racist demons who don’t deserve to live. 

In a 2019 study, Pew Research found that 64% of Republicans viewed Democrats as ‘closed-minded’, 55% of Republicans viewed Democrats as ‘immoral’, and 63% of Republicans viewed Democrats as ‘unpatriotic’. The study also found that 75% of Democrats viewed Republicans as ‘closed-minded’, 47% of Democrats viewed Republicans as ‘immoral’, and 38% of Democrats viewed Republicans as ‘unintelligent’. Pew also found that 55% of Democrats and 49% of Republicans are ‘afraid’ of those from the other party. 

A 2017 Pew Research poll found that when asked which conflict was the strongest between groups, Americans overwhelmingly said that the fight between Republicans and Democrats was by far the most terrible conflict. 

In 1960, people did not care if their children married a person from the opposite party. According to a Lyengar, Soor, & Lelkes 2012 poll. In 2010, 49% of Republicans and 33% of Democrats said that they would be ‘displeased’ if their child married a person from the opposite camp. In 2022, one could imagine how high those figures may be.

In July 2022, a YouGov/Yahoo News poll found that only 43% said that they would be worse off if their state seceded from the union. The same poll confirmed what many others have told us: Only 15% of people believe that the union is on the right track. 

In August 2022, a Rasmussen poll found that 53% of likely voters believed that “There is a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI as Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo” while only 36% disagreed. How can we live in a country where only a third of the people have any faith in the most powerful law enforcement agency in the land??? Predictably, there is a tremendous partisan divide between Republicans and Democrats on this issue, too. Among Republicans, 76% agreed that the FBI agents are tantamount to Nazis, while only 15% disagreed. Among Democrats, only 37% agreed that the FBI is like the Gestapo of Germany while 57% disagreed. How can those two groups share one country???

In August of 2022, a Gallup poll found that only 7% of people have a great deal of faith in Congress.

These studies and many more make one thing very clear: There is no consensus among Americans and among the 50 states and the various ideologies found among humans. On the most important issues, the people are actually split almost perfectly down the middle. The 340 million individuals living in the ‘divided states of America’ are split almost 50-50 on gun control, drug laws, immigration, party control, economics, corona-fascism, and almost every other major issue. There is one major issue that nearly every person in the united states agrees on, though: Central control of all 340 million individuals in all 50 states by one group in DC is not working, and this union cannot remain intact.

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Liberty Block or any of its members. We welcome all forms of serious feedback and debate.


Paul A Sand · November 7, 2021 at 4:32 pm

Wouldn’t you see similar ideological splits in (say) a New Hampshire-only poll? Secession wouldn’t solve the problem, it would only make it smaller.

    The Liberty Block · January 29, 2022 at 6:23 am

    Great question. Yes, NH residents are split on many issues. That said, they are libertarian on most issues and increasingly so. As progressives continue to flee and as more libertarians move in, it will become more of a homogenous libertarian state. Currently, the massive majority of NH residents support total gun freedom, very low taxes, education freedom, religious freedom, free speech, economic freedom, and many other important issues. Abortion is still pretty 50/50, depending on the time of pregnancy. The majority probably supports restricting late-term abortion.

jean · November 8, 2021 at 8:22 am

The same study declined by state could be really more interesting.

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