SlopeGate: Secret Service Only Protects from Snipers on Flat Roofs?

On July 13th, President Trump was shot by an assassin, with a bullet taking a chunk out of his right ear. According to video evidence and eyewitnesses, the Secret Service snipers only learned about the shooter around three minutes before he fired his first shot. Within a few seconds of Trump being hit, the SS snipers fatally shot the assassin. The killing of a man armed with an AR-15 lying on a roof around 130 yards away was an impressive feat, earning praise for the brave agents from all over the world.

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #214

Daniel reported from UK on their recent elections; Nigel Farage will not be totally insignificant, although in the minority in parliament; Daniel also reported and opined on the French elections and how they rigged their election against Le Pen’s party; Project 2025 and Trump’s purported distancing from it; is the left pulling an Alinsky against Biden? How the media did such a quick 100% turnaround on Biden’s mental acuity; Would publicizing the Hur audio cause Biden to withdraw? How much will abortion affect pro-Trump voters? Discussion on gun rights; Lazer chimed in to discuss Ukraine/Russia; discussion on military personnel operating out of hospitals and if that makes the hospitals a legitimate target; (we apologize for the interruption caused by a windows popup);

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #212

Missouri v Biden, Murthy case re: free speech, horribly decided by SCOTUS; the doctrine of “standing”; should court rulings affect only specific cases or be sweeping for anyone affected even indirectly or subject to such in the future; how absolutely should the 2nd amendment be read? Should we have a right to social media publishing anything we want to share? Assange’s release—did his leaks endanger the lives of soldiers? Does SCOTUS horse-trade on cases? Tomorrow night’s debate between Trump and Biden;

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #196

Trump in; Haley out; extremely unlikely Haley could be Trump’s V.P. Does Trump want a black V.P.? The 9-0 SCOTUS ruling on Trump’s eligibility to run; who is in charge of allowing someone on the ballot for POTUS, e.g., if they’re a foreign national? NY Governor sues Nassau County over their decision to disallow transgenders to compete on female’s teams; can a state influence permits for a park in a county? NYC putting national guardsmen in the subway system; what does the posse comitatus act actually cover?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #188

Chris Christie dropping out of the primaries; why would he drop out five days before the Iowa caucus? Will Biden drop out? Will Michelle Obama enter the race? Lloyd Austin hiding his medical absence; will Austin be forced to resign? Did Republicans cave on the budget once again? The immigration battles between NY and NJ, both fighting to keep migrants out of their states; Ashli Babbit family suing for wrongful death; which republican candidates are promising to pardon J6ers if elected? How can Trump promise to pardon J6ers when he had the opportunity to pardon them before leaving office?

Multiple States Remove Trump From Ballot, Could Cost Him The Election

On December 19th, the Supreme Court of Colorado ruled that due to committing insurrection, Donald Trump is ineligible to be President. Because he cannot be President, he should not be on the ballot, according to the Court. This marks the first time in history that a court has removed a presidential candidate from the ballot. The former Republican President will not be on the primary or general election ballots. 

Trump Loves Free College, Haley Hates Privacy

In a recent video, Donald Trump unveiled his latest campaign promise: Give the socialists what they have been striving for – a socialist college system administered and funded by the federal government that is tuition-free. Chuck and Nate from ‘Liberty At Night’ pointed out, the program would not likely be completed before 2028, at which point Trump would have to leave office, anyway. (When’s the last time the government efficiently created a huge new program?) In 2029, the socialist college would be controlled by President Newsom or Warren…what could go wrong?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #159

The Hunter Biden guilty plea and its ramifications; will the investigation continue? Why didn’t the republicans continue the J6 committee investigation when they attained power? Should Trump be doing more about the J6 prisoners? Should the other candidates do more to fight against the Trump indictment (even if he lies about them and their positions)? Project 65 keeping lawyers from representing Trump and his supporters; Muslims vs. pride, and more.