The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #204

Noem’s shooting-her-dog story; is this just another ghost-written book and it doesn’t matter what the book says; who should Trump pick for VP? Noem has no backbone after capitulating to the NCAA on women’s sports; for what reason did Trump meet with Desantis? Did he think he needs help from Desantis? Should Trump select his son, Don, for VP? Tulsi Gabbard? The protest on college campus supporting Hamas; is it all funded ultimately by the CCP? Is it unusual to have this chaos when a republican is in office?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #188

Chris Christie dropping out of the primaries; why would he drop out five days before the Iowa caucus? Will Biden drop out? Will Michelle Obama enter the race? Lloyd Austin hiding his medical absence; will Austin be forced to resign? Did Republicans cave on the budget once again? The immigration battles between NY and NJ, both fighting to keep migrants out of their states; Ashli Babbit family suing for wrongful death; which republican candidates are promising to pardon J6ers if elected? How can Trump promise to pardon J6ers when he had the opportunity to pardon them before leaving office?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #187

Who will be on the Epstein list? Israel (?) killing prominent Hamas leader in Lebanon?; is SWATing out of hand? Is it the FBI that refuses to follow up on these incidents? Trump saying FBI should get a spectacular new building; why do republicans continue to do debates with liberal moderators? Claudine Gay’s resignation; shipping lanes being blocked by the Houthis; will illegal immigrants be invited into the military? Why do NGO’s continue to seduce immigrants to enter the U.S.?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #184

Desantis on townhall last night; no questions about Disney and don’t say gay; his views on abortion and trump’s presidency; the resignation of the president of UPenn contrasted with the president of Harvard hanging on with support of the university; banning conversion therapy (SCOTUS turned down a case visiting this issue) and its implications for free speech. Houthis attacking ships with little reprisal from the U.S. or other nations and its implications for an upcoming election year. Is the U.S. in danger of terrorist attacks as Director Wray has been alluding to?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #182

Dispute between U.K. and Greece over artifacts (Elgin Marbles) that the British rescued years ago and now Greece wants back; should items/lands acquired legally per the norms of a prior period be returned? The riot in a High School in Queens, NY, presumably inspired by a Jewish teacher posting something pro-Israel on Facebook; are pro-Palestinian protesters all antisemitic? Is it OK for the US to support both sides of wars, such as sending supplies to Gaza while sending arms to Israel?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #180

We welcomed Meagan to the show as a new co-host; is it possible that Jews are moving left and will that last? Is Nikki Haley’s war-hawkishness in tune with the base of the party? Is Desantis’ lacking the stridency of Haley and Ramaswamy in debates what keeps him from catching on with primary voters? Are immigrants choosing to leave the U.S. because it does not live up to what they were promised and isn’t that to be encouraged? San Francisco cleaning up for Xi Jinping; will this make people realize that government can be competent? Ed P. – “clean streets for Xi but not for thee”

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #179

Yesterday’s election results: Mike P reported from NJ, where the GOP made no inroads and probably lost a few seats in the legislature; several parental rights candidates lost in elections for the Board of Education where Mike lives; Ed P reported from Virginia where republicans will not control the house of delegates (and they appoint supreme court judges in that house).

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #169

Discussion of the republican debate last week; some say Vivek won, some say he looked immature; some say DeSantis won; should any candidate raise a hand at a debate or respond that way to a question? Will DeSantis be hurt by insurance laws in Florida in the aftermath of today’s hurricane? The attempt in some States to keep Trump off the ballot for taking part in an “insurrection”; Ed P. opined that Trump can’t possibly lose the nomination; others disagree; is Trump’s campaign weak because of so much money and attention to his legal issues?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #168

Trump being processed at Fulton County Jail tomorrow; should he not comply at all? Does Trump believe that his compliance with the several indictments is good for him and his campaign? Jeffrey Clark petitioning the Georgia State court to remove the cases to Federal Courts per Federal laws; Is there a reason that Trump’s team did not come up with this argument? Is Vivek only running to take DeSantis down and in some sense collaborating with Trump?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #166

The continuing Trump indictments; will Trump attend the 1st debate? Who would it help or hurt for Trump to show up or not? Do debates change anything, even if only to cull the field? are Trump’s attacks getting old or just their indiscriminateness? Desantis firing his campaign manager; who decides who won a debate and based on what? was it wise for Desantis to say “of course, Trump lost the election”? Andy Ngo losing his civil suit against Antifa; comparisons to the 7-11 beatdown of the brazen thief?