The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #188

Chris Christie dropping out of the primaries; why would he drop out five days before the Iowa caucus? Will Biden drop out? Will Michelle Obama enter the race? Lloyd Austin hiding his medical absence; will Austin be forced to resign? Did Republicans cave on the budget once again? The immigration battles between NY and NJ, both fighting to keep migrants out of their states; Ashli Babbit family suing for wrongful death; which republican candidates are promising to pardon J6ers if elected? How can Trump promise to pardon J6ers when he had the opportunity to pardon them before leaving office?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #186

Pro-Palestinians demonstrating in so many places, including barricading JFK and LAX today. Is their goal to change minds? Intimidate? Demoralize? Will their opponents ever use the Dublin model and fight back against them? Will Trump pick Haley as V.P.? Don Jr. said he’d do anything to stop it from happening. Was a tax on unrealized gains a Trump idea or a Biden idea? Which presidents/leaders were most responsible for the growth in power of China?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #180

We welcomed Meagan to the show as a new co-host; is it possible that Jews are moving left and will that last? Is Nikki Haley’s war-hawkishness in tune with the base of the party? Is Desantis’ lacking the stridency of Haley and Ramaswamy in debates what keeps him from catching on with primary voters? Are immigrants choosing to leave the U.S. because it does not live up to what they were promised and isn’t that to be encouraged? San Francisco cleaning up for Xi Jinping; will this make people realize that government can be competent? Ed P. – “clean streets for Xi but not for thee”

Trump Loves Free College, Haley Hates Privacy

In a recent video, Donald Trump unveiled his latest campaign promise: Give the socialists what they have been striving for – a socialist college system administered and funded by the federal government that is tuition-free. Chuck and Nate from ‘Liberty At Night’ pointed out, the program would not likely be completed before 2028, at which point Trump would have to leave office, anyway. (When’s the last time the government efficiently created a huge new program?) In 2029, the socialist college would be controlled by President Newsom or Warren…what could go wrong?