In a recent video, Donald Trump unveiled his latest campaign promise: Give the socialists what they have been striving for – a socialist college system administered and funded by the federal government that is tuition-free. Chuck and Nate from ‘Liberty At Night’ pointed out, the program would not likely be completed before 2028, at which point Trump would have to leave office, anyway. (When’s the last time the government efficiently created a huge new program?) In 2029, the socialist college would be controlled by President Newsom or Warren…what could go wrong?

The brilliant lifelong Democrat from New York explained that his ‘American Academy’ would be funded not by a tax increase but by money that he is confident he could get back taxing and suing large university endowments. If that revenue didn’t fully fund the visionary’s college system, well…….it would need to be funded by tuition, new taxes, or new debt. But, uh, Trump will totally be able to find the money, so don’t worry. He has a perfect track record with investments, especially with creating colleges. In his genius, he touted the legitimacy of his proposed program, explaining that he would require the federal government and all their contractors to respect the degrees from the American Academy. The 77-year-old reincarnation of Einstein has thought of everything! I will definitely vote for Trump, because he isn’t like those Democrats who want government-run tuition-free colleges for everyone!

Desperate for attention, Nikki Haley has been making outrageous statements over the past few weeks, as well. Republican primary polling has her behind Trump, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy, so she likely figures that she needs to be bolder than ever. Unfortunately for those who support liberty, peace, and privacy, the former South Carolina Governor is doubling down on her super-interventionist ideology, insisting that the DC Empire needs to get involved in more wars throughout the world, including Ukraine and Israel. Don’t worry about her newly gained wealth from her involvement in military/defense contractors. I’m sure that’s totally unrelated. 

But earlier this week, Haley outdid herself. On Tuesday, she said on Fox News that the first thing she would do as President would be to force all social media companies to require all users to verify their identities and use their real names on their accounts. The authoritarian explained that the current privacy and anonymity on the web presents a national security threat. As Reason Magazine pointed out, the plan is obviously unconstitutional on its face, but who cares about that? Haley definitely has my vote, because she is willing to go to any length to protect us from all conceivable threats. In fact, I would recommend that she take her plan a step further and require all adults to grant the government access to all of the cameras on their phones, computers, and doorbells. Once the authorities can see into every home, they could stomp out every threat before criminals have a chance to hurt anyone! 

Governor DeSantis responded to the video on X, remarking that John Jay and James Madison were also anonymous writers. “They were not “national security threats,” nor are the many conservative Americans across the country who exercise their Constitutional right to voice their opinions without fear of being harassed or canceled by the school they go to or the company they work for. Haley’s proposal to ban anonymous speech online — similar to what China recently did —  is dangerous and unconstitutional. It will be dead on arrival in my administration.”

Thankfully, Haley recently explained that no male is allowed to criticize a female, so I will not say anything negative about the perfect former Governor and Ambassador. 

Nikki is also protecting us all from free speech and antisemitism!

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