Conner Drigotas On Fear of the FSP

That’s why I raised my eyebrows at some of the folks in the documentary, especially those who expressed fear that people like me, my wife, and my toddler would choose to make New Hampshire home. Throughout the nine available episodes, Free State Project supporters, myself included, were described as “dangerous,” “extremist,” and seeking to change NH. In short, FSP critics say they are afraid, and they argue that you should be afraid, too.

MSNBC Has Let Its Writers Run Amok

On July 1st, MSNBC published an article titled ‘Congress has let the Supreme Court run amok’. In the article, the writer argues that the Supreme Court has grown out of control and is far too powerful and that the founders would have been shocked by the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade. Did the SCOTUS overstep its authority with this ruling? Are they taking power away from state and federal lawmakers?