10 Reasons To Support HB1276 & Legalize Brass Knuckles!

In the Live Free or Die state, there are generally no restrictions for carrying any weapons. Granite Staters may legally carry pistols and rifles open or concealed. However, brass knuckles remain illegal to carry. Last year, the House passed House Bill 31, which would have eliminated the carrying of brass knuckles and similar self-defense tools from the list of crimes in the books. The Senate killed the bill with a voice vote. This year, ten Republican legislators proposed House Bill 1276. It again passed the House, and it is now in the Senate. 

Rittenhouse photo

Alu’s Thoughts On The Rittenhouse Case

During the BLM riots in the summer of 2020, an armed citizen was attacked by violent rioters, and he defended himself successfully. Kyle Rittenhouse used his firearm to repel three attackers, killing two of them and injuring a third. The white BLM rioters all had disturbing criminal histories, and threatened, chased, and physically attacked the armed teen before being shot. At least one of the attackers had a pistol and raised it to Rittenhouse before being shot. Rittenhouse demonstrated exemplary trigger and muzzle discipline, far exceeding what we’ve come to expect from American law enforcement officers, who often fire dozens of rounds at peaceful people, shoot the wrong people, and handle their firearms with extreme carelessness.