By Karen Testerman
The fact is that many voters believe the November 2020 election was rigged and stolen. Without a trusted election process, many, if not most people agree with me that we cannot have a republic nor liberty.
If fact-checkers don’t find substantial flaws in the exposés presented in the two recently released documentaries 2000 Mules and Hacking Democracy New Hampshire, this fundamental truth exists…our elections were hijacked!!!
2000 Mules highlights the national problem with mail-in ballots. However, the corruption accentuated on November 3, 2020, in New Hampshire involved different tactics. The situation in Windham, NH was like peeling an onion. Removing one layer exposes another, and then another. A thorough examination reveals that elections in New Hampshire have been corrupted for years.
Can confidence be restored before the next State election? Only if WE THE PEOPLE act. If we truly value our liberties, each of us must make the decision to act. The integrity of our elections depends on you. We must encourage one another to make a difference.
The solutions are in both the State and United States Constitutions.
If addressed, these areas would secure the integrity of your vote in New Hampshire.
1. Only qualified voters as specified in Part 1 Article 11
2. Electronic Ballot Counting Devices – RSA 656:40
3. Same Day Registration – RSA 654
4. Absentee Ballots – RSA 657:1
Fundamentally, our Constitutions are the Law of the Land…or they should be. Sadly, over the years, laws have been implemented which are repugnant, i.e. in conflict, with the Constitutions. Generally, people are familiar with the U.S. Constitution, but often eyes glaze over when queried about the contents of the New Hampshire Constitution.
When you do not know your rights, you have none. Additionally, if the citizens of this state do not know and study their constitution, they cannot right the errors created over the years, resulting in the debacles so evident in the November 2020 election.
In the NH Constitution, Part 1 Article 11 and Part 2, Article 30 specify who can vote in elections. Originally, in 1783, qualifications were simple and straightforward in stating who was qualified to vote and hold office.
“All elections ought to be free and every inhabitant of the State having the proper qualifications has equal right to elect and be elected into office.”
But alas, this Article has been amended to specify age as a qualification, prevent convicted criminals, and specify qualifications to obtain an absentee ballot.
Who qualifies as an inhabitant? Part 2, Article 30 goes on to define an inhabitant…
“And every person, qualified as the constitution provides, shall be considered an inhabitant for the purpose of being elected into any office or place within this state, in the town, or ward, where he is domiciled [dwelleth and has his home].”
In other words, in order to qualify to vote New Hampshire must be the primary location that you call home. You license your car and pay taxes and utilities at the address you call home.
The constitution also specifies how votes are to be counted in Part 2, Article 32. Ratified in 1784 and amended with minor changes, accommodations were never made to include electronic devices to count the votes.
Laws that are repugnant to [in conflict with] the Constitution are void. In the recent Burt vs. Shurtleff case before the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, the opinion of the court states:
“Indeed, “[n]o branch of State government can lawfully perform any act which violates the State Constitution. LaFrance, 124 N.H. at 176. Therefore, “[a]ny legislative act violating the constitution or infringing on its provisions must be void because the legislature, when it steps beyond its bounds, acts without authority.” Id. at 177.
In simple language, passing a law cannot change the constitutional requirements. Only a constitutional amendment can alter the Constitution. Therefore, any law that does not comply cannot be enforced because it is void.
This applies to RSA 656:40 regarding “Electronic Ballot Counting Devices”; RSA 675:1 regarding Absentee Voting, and RSA 654 allowing for same-day registration, which is illegal since the Constitution was not properly amended.
Same-day Registration was a negotiation to accommodate the “Motor Voter Law”. But it violates the U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section 4:
“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof…”
Congress did not propose an amendment to the Constitution to make allowances for them to pass the National Voter Registration Act. Just as “Indeed, “[n]o branch of State government can lawfully perform any act which violates the State Constitution,” One might conclude the same logic should apply to the U.S. Constitution.
You now know that neither of the Constitutions have been properly amended. You also know that the State Supreme Court has repeatedly argued that laws that are in conflict with the Constitution are not valid.

In the words of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, “Right is still right, even if you stand by yourself.” Will you stand and be courageous? Will you act?
Karen Testerman is a wife, mother of four, grandmother to 12 children and a liberty activist fighting for the people of NH, whether it is defending life (Founder and Executive Director of Cornerstone Policy Research), education (certified educator), energy security (State Rep. Secure the Grid Coalition), election integrity (with the late Ed Naile of Coalition of NH Taxpayers), constitutional knowledge (founding member of the NH Center for Constitutional Studies), securing our liberties or limited government, Karen has been in the trenches. She is a radio and television host and has been published by Human Events, Washington Times, and other periodicals. Karen is running for the Republican nomination for New Hampshire Governor.