In the united states, black people have been suffering from systemic racism for decades, according to the people running governmental and private institutions. Every system is racist against black people, including the health system. So, medical institutions must now right their wrongs by mistreating white people to make up for their transgressions against black people. Indeed, the progressive cause of ‘health equity’ is spreading like coronafascism across the united states.
A few months ago, top doctors in Boston’s major hospitals including doctors from Massachusetts General and professors from Harvard Medical School announced in a paper called “An Anti-Racist Agenda For Medicine” that they would slowly begin to ‘deprioritize’ white people in favor of black people in regards to admissions to their ICUs and other units.
The anti-white racists running Boston’s hospitals aren’t alone. The government of Vermont announced earlier in 2021 that they would give black people first priority for the COVID vaccine in order to level the playing field (read: let more whites die off) to make up for years of racial inequity in medicine.
On December 30th, a Twitter user exposed the following screenshot from the New York state government, indicating that monoclonal antibody treatments would be available to people of all races except for white:
Of course, according to the progressives’ own rules, any person could presumably ‘identify’ as black in order to receive priority treatment in the ‘United Racist State of America’ from now on. However, why would white – or any nonracist people – want to remain in a union run by such blatant racists.
Additionally, the new policies clearly violate discrimination laws, but we can expect American courts to approve of the new policies anyway. Remember; they were only implemented to make up for decades of racism against black people and in favor of white people.
Federal influence
While progressives do generally hate white people and may have supported these policies on their own, it’s important to point out just how much of the new racism policies were encouraged by DC politicians.
As the vaccines were being rolled out, the federal government’s Centers For Disease Control (CDC) assembled a working group of doctors, scientists, and ethicists to make recommendations on which group of people should receive the vaccines first. Should it be healthcare workers on the front lines? Should it be the oldest people? The sickest people? These questions certainly seem valid. The CDC ultimately recommended vaccinating healthcare workers first. One of the medical ethicists helping the CDC explained the rationale.
As reported by Reason Magazine: “Older populations are whiter, “ Harald Schmidt, a professor of ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told The New York Times. “Society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already had more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.”
Level the playing field.
That is what this “ethicist” said.
He said that white people have been privileged for years, so we should start killing them off and prioritizing non-white people in the united states. It isn’t just the CDC that’s racist. In April, The Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a large paper on deprioritizing white people in medicine, as well. Of course, national associations like the “National Women’s Health Network” are also publishing overtly racist articles on how those evil white people must be punished by the medical institutions throughout the united states. In 2020, the American Medical Association published a paper titled “Racism is a threat to public health“.

Perhaps one of the most concerning racist developments in medicine came earlier this month when Dictator Biden announced that the federal government will use your tax dollars to incentivize doctors to implement ‘Anti-racism plans’. And it isn’t just plans, reviews, or statements. The new rules include actual “clinical practice guidelines”, meaning treating white people with less urgency than their black counterparts.
In fact, the leaders of the Boston hospitals mentioned in their paper that DC politicians had a major influence on their decision to create the new anti-white policy: “Offering preferential care based on race or ethnicity may elicit legal challenges from our system of colorblind law … We encourage other institutions to proceed confidently on behalf of equity and racial justice, with backing provided by recent White House executive orders…”
MaineHealth Vice President of , Ryan Polly diversity, equity and inclusion is pushing anti-white racism in his hospital system, which includes 20,000 employees throughout the state. In 2023, Polly “hosted an antiracist prayer service that had a group of White people apologize for their internalized racism as White people,” as reported by Fox News.
There is no reason to believe that the current trend of increasing anti-white racism from DC and throughout the union will not continue to polarize individuals and communities. As CMS ramps up reimbursement rates for non-whites and decreases the amount of support white patients receive, matters will grow increasingly bleak for Caucasians living in the united states. As federal laws or ‘guidelines’ cause hospitals throughout the union to steadily deprioritize the level of care that white people receive, we will begin to see a ‘leveling of the playing field’ as white people will inevitably suffer and die disproportionately, which is precisely the goal of the new policies. This blatant racism could be added to the rapidly growing list of dozens of reasons that individuals who believe in liberty and justice for all should support leaving the union as soon as possible.
This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Liberty Block or any of its members. We welcome all forms of serious feedback and debate.
Deanne · January 5, 2022 at 4:22 pm
The mainstream medical establishment (AMA, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and fedgov) is a serious problem. In emergency situations, they save many lives. When it comes to maintaining health, they appear to have no clue what they are doing.
Last I knew, iatrogenic deaths were the third leading cause of death in the U. S. I suspect that many of the first and second causes are ultimately also iatrogenic or caused by toxins that have been approved by fedgov agencies.
How many “covid” deaths were caused by improper treatment (or withholding of effective treatment) in hospitals?
It may very well be that people who are “deprioritized” by mainstream medicine will actually be better off. Those who find alternative medical options and who are less reliant on modern medicine may end up with better outcomes in the long run.
Besides his main herb course, the HomeGrown Herbalist offers a course called When There Is No Doctor. It is taught by a man who is a veterinarian, naturopath, and herbalist. He has had some incredible outcomes with his treatments. I’m signed up for his herb course and have learned a lot. Hopefully this winter, I will spend even more time listening and learning. I highly recommend it. We all need to learn more about our own bodies and our health.
Deanne · January 9, 2022 at 3:59 pm
The mainstream medical establishment (AMA, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and fedgov) is a serious problem. In emergency situations, they save many lives. When it comes to maintaining health, they appear to have no clue what they are doing.
Last I knew, iatrogenic deaths were the third leading cause of death in the U. S. I suspect that many of the first and second causes are ultimately also iatrogenic or caused by toxins that have been approved by fedgov agencies.
How many “covid” deaths were caused by improper treatment (or withholding of effective treatment) in hospitals?
It may very well be that people who are “deprioritized” by mainstream medicine will actually be better off. Those who find alternative medical options and who are less reliant on modern medicine may end up with better outcomes in the long run.
Besides his main herb course, the HomeGrown Herbalist offers a course called When There Is No Doctor. It is taught by a man who is a veterinarian, naturopath, and herbalist. He has had some incredible outcomes with his treatments. I’m signed up for his herb course and have learned a lot. Hopefully this winter, I will spend even more time listening and learning. I highly recommend it. We all need to learn more about our own bodies and our health.
86 Reasons New Hampshire Should Divorce DC - The Liberty Block · January 1, 2022 at 1:02 am
[…] medical system and all medical institutions in the united states are becoming increasingly racist towards whites, and it all starts with DC […]
Could Truly Private Business Exist In A Socialist Country? - The Liberty Block · January 18, 2022 at 7:13 pm
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