For all who value liberty….

Yesterday, I placed a mid-size donation into a fund that seeks to reimburse US Border agents and soldiers who choose to continue their work in an alliance with the Texas Guard or the volunteer groups now establishing themselves to protect Americans’ lives and property. 

I encourage others to make donations, as well. As little as $17.89 funds 1% of the fund’s $1,789 disbursement to each joining guardsman who requests it. 

The Texas guardsmen and their allied volunteers are preserving the law and the U.S. Constitution. They are standing up to unlawful directives from Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Article IV. Those who are curtailing their careers with the U.S. government to join Texans in true protection of U.S. borders, U.S. law, and U.S. INTEGRITY are especially heroic. 

1789 is the year our nation began operating under the newly-framed U.S. Constitution. Biden administration leaders have for three years shown disregard for the Constitution and the rights it assures Americans. Lately, they have BROKEN laws by actively assisting illegal immigration. Ours is a proper pushback for American rights. 

While I no longer shoulder a rifle, I am prepared to help a northeast state protect its people by doing surveillance and data analyses of those who have arrived by plane or ship and overstayed their student visas, work visas, and travel visas. After March 5, I have the time and the eagerness to be employed by an equally rights-oriented northeast governor on behalf of liberty and justice. This is in no way anti-immigrant; it is pro-LAW and pro-LEGAL immigration. 

Those who wish to join me in the Texas guard funding can contribute via Zelle, or via an old fashioned check to my New Hampshire address. See

100% of funds go to the queued requesting agents and are sent immediately once a $1,789 sum has accumulated for a requester. I hope similar supporting funds will proliferate. 

Sincerely and hopefully, 

Mark Stewart Greenstein 

P.S. – Thanks to early publicity, your contribution goes out at 110%. A donor in my orbit is now adding a 10% tithe for the early money the fund receives, up to 10% of $20,000.

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