By Alexandra for The Liberty Block

In response to declining coronavirus numbers, the governors of Mississippi and Texas recently lifted their state mask mandates and indoor dining restrictions. These numbers were questionable from the start, but now with the ‘sacred’ curve finally flattening, there is even less justification for the government to treat people like science experiments.

Demented and ancient Joe Biden ironically referred to Abbott as a ‘neanderthal’ for allowing adults in Texas to make their own decisions regarding masks. California governor, Gavin Newsome said that the Texas governor was making a ‘terrible mistake’ by giving a tiny bit of liberty back to his citizens. 

Meanwhile, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention continues to fuel paranoia and fascism, warning us that we’re all still lethal threats to each other. That’s right, according to unelected health ‘experts’ who recommended human rights violations in response to a virus, the war on germs is not over yet.  

Once a few weeks pass and not everyone in Texas and Mississippi die of COVID, the truth will be impossible to ignore, and Biden, Newsome, and the rest of the politicians will be exposed as evil tyrants.

Moreover, groups of domestic terrorists, also known as science-worshiping citizens, are clamoring for more mandates and government intervention to protect them from a respiratory illness. They believe that death is certain if authority figures are not in full control, and these paranoid people put the blame on governors who ease up on restrictions. 

This new medical tyranny is dangerous and so are the domestic terrorists who insist on mandatory medical treatments for all. We cannot allow this ungodly collectivism to continue in New Hampshire. 

Governor Sununu’s agenda is not to maximize our freedom, nor is this the agenda of the health experts who advise him, so this fight is going to take some extra effort on our part.  

We must continually encourage our local representatives to support legislation that upholds our individual freedoms. 

We have an opportunity to do this with HCR 2, which would terminate the State of Emergency in New Hampshire. This is currently with the Legislative Administration Committee of the House, which will soon be delivering their recommendation. Now’s the time to write to the committee to tell them to support this bill. 

Let’s join Mississippi and Texas in liberty!