What is a Libertarian? Pt. 4 – Education
This is a continuation of ‘What is a Libertarian? Pt. 3’. In this installment of the series, we will address the varying views on education.
This is a continuation of ‘What is a Libertarian? Pt. 3’. In this installment of the series, we will address the varying views on education.
How Virginia Counties Can Become a Part of Another State This #Vexit proposal is different from secession because it is simply a shift in borders that does not affect the balance of power in the US Senate. It does not create a new state or alter the number of US Read more…
This super-abridged list of inspection violations comprises only a few of the primary offenses which could be used as sole justification for a law enforcement officer to stop a vehicle and give the driver a ticket. Considering that many of the below rules mention other state laws, one must be Read more…
The predetermined conclusion of American law enforcement appears to be simple: If you have a gun, you are the enemy.
“I deserve more money! I work so hard!”, shouts the angry teenage worker. She’s an EMT, and she’s going on six months on the job. “You have so much experience,” she’s often told by even fresher EMTs who are hired by her private ambulance company. This EMT – let’s call Read more…
The inception of the United States came about as the result of law-abiding colonial leaders who obeyed the King, his Governors, and Sheriffs. They followed every law and peacefully sought to ‘change the laws’ or the British Government.
Educated ‘Americans’ know that the US is a ‘democracy’. Super-educated individuals know that the US is a ‘Democratic Constitutional Republic’.
The tax singles out certain “bad” beverages (typically carbonated sodas) for punishment with the tax, while it protects perceived “good” beverages like fruit juices.
The only battle that will impact freedom in a practical application is the battle to keep the last few states free from anti-gun, anti-freedom statists.
In a free market – an economy not controlled by politicians – every individual would be free to do whatever they wanted, as long as they didn’t physically harm a person or damage or steal their property (murder, rape, auto theft, etc.) Without government officials distorting the economy, any person Read more…