Puerto Rican Jew Makes Waves Before Taking Office
She has already demonstrated to the American people that she is deceptive, nasty, dishonest, economically illiterate, and a politician. She’ll fit right in.
She has already demonstrated to the American people that she is deceptive, nasty, dishonest, economically illiterate, and a politician. She’ll fit right in.
Even the US government readily admits that you would have to spend over $2,580 today to buy the same things that just $100 would buy in 1913.
“if you vote in North Dakota, you may forfeit hunting licenses you have in other states. If you want to keep your out-of-state hunting licenses, you may not want to vote in North Dakota.”
The second, and I contend major, flaw in Mr. Hannity’s logic is that we only have two choices. We do not.
Since the Republican Party is significantly more pro-freedom than the Democratic Party, argues Klein, the existence of the Libertarian Party is detrimental to the primary goal of its members.
Many Americans believe that the US is the freest – and therefore the greatest – nation in the world. If you asked these proud Americans what specifically separates the US from the rest of the world, they might reply that in the US, citizens maintain their natural rights to own real property.
“Crazy people shouldn’t have guns! Do you believe that they should?!” In addition to authoritarians and others who hate or misunderstand firearms, many others often ask this question.
The political left in the US is pushing to make the US more like nations that are almost totally homogeneous/barely diverse. How is it that they keep a straight face when calling people on the right ‘racist xenophobes’?
The next time that you find yourself driving on the highway, try to obey the speed limit. If you live in New Hampshire like I do, this probably means that you’ll be driving slower than 70 MPH. I guarantee that you’ll be passed by nearly every single driver. Technically, they are Read more…
Those who are close to me know that I would consider myself the strongest advocate for self-defense, concealed carry, and firearms in the world. I have encouraged many people to buy and to carry firearms for self-defense. No, I am not intoxicated or under the influence, and I am not Read more…