In less than twenty-four hours, there has already been lots of commentary about the events of October 2nd in Concord. An estimated fifteen hundred people were moved to come out and march for medical freedom. I read that not even Obama threatening our guns drew that many people to the New Hampshire State House. But that should be no surprise. These medical mandates fly in the face of what should be the most sacrosanct thing in our lives: our own bodies. It tells us that we must alter and change our bodies for the supposed benefit of others.

Now if we choose to make a sacrifice — to put our bodies at risk as part of our career or personal calling, then that is to be commended. But it’s the free choice that sanctifies that act, not the decree of a bureaucrat. That is why the voluntary decision to give up a few hours on a beautiful Saturday afternoon by a few hundred people is so much more meaningful than the coerced decision of millions of people to submit to an experimental injection “to protect others” or “so that they can travel.” 

I commend you, patriots. 

I have witnessed a movement grow from a rag-tag handful of freedom fighters holding flags in front of Dartmouth Hitchcock Lebanon to fifteen hundred people from all walks of life flooding the streets of Concord.

As with any other movement, there will be growing pains. On September 29th just a few days before the massive rally in Concord a sizeable group of protestors showed up to urge the executive council to reject a $27 million federal grant, which would require NH to obey DC politicians and regulators in all matters related to COVID, including assisting them with their ‘quarantine and isolation’ camps and expanding the state vaccine registry. The crowd was loud and Governor Sununu opted to cancel the vote. WMUR and left-wing politicians wasted no time calling this “insurrectionist behavior.” The personality largely responsible for the shutdown of the meeting further polarized members of the crowd toward the very end of the Concord rally. Without condoning violent behavior or language I would remind everyone that this movement is too big for any one person and none of us are going to be perfect messengers. 

For example, in the past month or so, I have seen Black Lives Matter and Nicki Minaj strike back against the mandates and online censorship much harder than some of the most die-hard conservatives and libertarians in our movement have been able to thus far. I may disagree with the majority of BLM’s positions and I may find Nicki Minaj’s music distasteful but we still have so-called Republicans and libertarians that are too afraid to touch this issue and the ones that will touch it do not necessarily reach the same audience. If we can live to fight another day, we can debate our other differences and try to find better solutions for society (including potential peaceful separation from the union due to irreconcilable differences), but open debate cannot occur in a media environment that stifles the free flow of information.

So count your victories patriots because we have scored many. Our demonstrations get bigger with every passing week. Let’s not allow controversy and natural infighting to overshadow the amazing display of strength and solidarity we had this past weekend.

Further reading:

Americans United for Peaceful Separation

One Nation Under Tyranny?

82 Reasons New Hampshire Should Divorce DC

Foundation for New Hampshire Independence – First Before. First Again.

NH Exit | Peacefully exiting the United States


John F Best · October 5, 2021 at 12:19 pm

If you could think beyond today, you would see the folly in secession. The problem you’re running away will persist within NH. Why won’t you adress solving the problem?

    The Liberty Block · October 24, 2021 at 6:22 pm

    We are working on the problem of rooting out corruption in New Hampshire.

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