By Emily Phillips & Alu Axelman
Bipartisan legislation in the New Hampshire legislature would require all vaccines and pharmaceutical products to undergo human clinical trials before being the state or local governments could purchase, promote, or distribute them. Among the sponsors are two Senators and multiple liberty Representatives. Over the past few years, we witnessed one of the most horrific crimes against humanity being perpetrated by politicians and other elites who practically forced every American to take the ineffective and dangerous COVID vaccines. Despite no human trials and despite not even being approved by their own FDA, the politicians used tax dollars to purchase billions of dollars worth of vaccines from their cronies at Pfizer and Moderna. They then spent billions more taxpayer dollars to implement the most intense propaganda campaign in history, seeking to convince everyone to get the shots and the boosters.
House Bill 575 had a public hearing in the House Committee on Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs. The Committee Members voted 11-9 to recommend that the full House kill the bill. This Wednesday, the full House is likely to vote on whether to agree with the committee.
In the words of the prime sponsor, Emily Phillips (R-Fremont):
I support science. I support clinical human trials for innovation. I have participated in several clinical trials since being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 2001. I know the importance and time involved in obtaining real informed consent. This legislation is not “anti-vaccine”. I am not an “anti-vaxxer”. I just completed a 5-year clinical trial at Massachusetts General Hospital that tested a vaccine as a therapeutic to reverse/improve the management of Type 1 Diabetes. They began enrolling patients years before I joined, but due to my plan to expand my family, I chose to delay my participation until 2017. I was given an 18-page document explaining the risks, benefits, and expectations of participating and what responsibility/liability the researchers had by conducting the trial. All participants and the lead researcher signed these informed consent agreements. In my personal research into this, I read the data from trials conducted on mice and the previous 100-year human use of this vaccine before making my decision to move forward. I volunteered for an experiment, knowing the potential risks and benefits. I have done it many times before, because I believe in science. I know data must be collected to improve innovation and advancements in medical treatments.
HB575 would prohibit the State of NH from purchasing, promoting, or distributing vaccine or pharmaceutical products that have not completed human clinical trials. The Bivalent Boosters were heavily promoted, advertised, and purchased after only being tested on mice. That is all the testing done before being approved under EUA and being made available for distribution. The bivalent boosters were expedited through FDA to meet a delivery date of Labor Day to target BA.4 an BA.5 omicron subvarients and well as the original strain of COVID. I believe citizens have unknowingly been enrolled in a clinical trial, they have not been able to give informed consent to. According to, the underreporting of adverse reactions is significant, but the submissions for COVID-19 injection in NH are over 4,450 as of data through 2/3/2023. This includes 91 deaths, and 113 permanently disabled individuals. Although VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, it is useful for recognizing patterns of adverse events that may indicate a possible safety problem.
I would not suggest we limit a private pharmacy, hospital or provider from choosing to distribute any products for clinical trials. This legislation does not limit their ability to do that. According to my inquiries with DHHS, Pharmacies participating in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Partnership (FRPP) program place orders through a supply chain management system independent of the state. They also receive direct shipments from the manufacturers without passing through the state. This legislation would not affect seasonal flu vaccine distribution, as the original flu vaccine was tested through human clinical trials.
HB575 would stop the spending of taxpayer funds on advertising, dispensing, and purchasing of products or vaccines that have not been tested through human clinical trials. The pharmaceutical industry would remain responsible for promoting its own products. The people of NH deserve the opportunity to give informed consent. Let’s prevent Granite Staters from becoming part of future experiments.
UPDATE 3/23: HB575 was killed in the House by a vote of 192-186.

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