Local NH Mint Brings Sound Money Back

In the face of long-term inflation, increasing numbers of people are losing faith in the dollar, trading their ‘Federal Reserve Notes’ for assets that they believe will hold their value better. The past few years have seen massive interest in crypto, gold, silver, firearms, and many other assets. But it isn’t just for investing or wealth preservation. Many people are already using the alternatives as real currency for everyday purchases. 

How DC Politicians Destroyed Our Money

Nearly every government eventually becomes greedy and seeks to steal more from its people than it could via simple taxation. Tyrants in the federal government always wanted to control the money that the people used. Alexander Hamilton wanted the President to rule over the Americans for life with massive powers, and he wanted the central government to be quite authoritarian.

Wyoming Goldbacks Now Shipping!

There are a plethora of revolutionary monetary alternatives to fiat dollars. The most common being cryptocurrency, bartering, and precious metals. Additionally, there has been a rising star in the agorist currency space commonly known as goldbacks. There are currently four different state variations of goldbacks in existence, consisting of New Read more…

real vs fake money

Private vs. Government Currency

Gresham’s Law states that in a competition between currency, bad money will win out over good money over time, in other words, the average person will be more likely to use their US Dollars to purchase goods and services over their Goldbacks because the gold will maintain value, while the US Dollar won’t. Shaffer gave his answer to the dilemma of Gresham’s Law.