The Impending Constitutional Crisis
I fear that next Tuesday’s elections could cause a true crisis for our union. And by ‘fear’, I mean that I sort of hope it occurs. I’ll explain my rationale throughout this article.
I fear that next Tuesday’s elections could cause a true crisis for our union. And by ‘fear’, I mean that I sort of hope it occurs. I’ll explain my rationale throughout this article.
In January of 2022, Stephen Marche published a book about the inevitable breakup of the union. In writing ‘The Next Civil War’ he clearly conducted extensive research into right wing and left wing ideologies, and the history, legality, and practicality of secession. Personally, I think that the book was fantastic and accurately described the current powder-keg situation within the united states.
At any moment, DC politicians can step up their enforcement and/or begin to punish states that flout their laws. The federal government takes billions of dollars from taxpayers in progressive states each year. They send the money back to the state governments, but only as long as they obey the wishes of DC elites. If the US government decides to stop sending that money back to any state that does not obey federal cannabis and immigration law to a tee, life would change drastically for around 50 million progressives overnight.
Many conservatives instinctively argue that Texas is the ultimate cowboy state and that it therefore has the most freedom, largely due to its wild west heritage and Texans’ small government ideology.