2021 Legislation: Here Are The Bills To Watch Out For
This bill creates a ‘family medical leave insurance’ program. The problem? It’s funded by a payroll/income tax.
This bill creates a ‘family medical leave insurance’ program. The problem? It’s funded by a payroll/income tax.
we can look forward to living like the citizens of socialist Venezuela and receiving our guaranteed daily dose of bread as long as we wait in the lines that our government officials instruct us to.
Joined by Sotomayor, Justice Ginsburg disagreed with the ruling, writing that “…Destructive of the Women’s Health Amendment, this court leaves women workers to fend for themselves…”
In my years analyzing and debating politics, I have noticed that while some people do truly differ with others on fundamental ideologies, miscommunication is often the root cause of mutual animus.
“A loaded gun sitting on the countertop…does not become dangerous until you act upon it. The opposite is true of [radioactive material]: it is inherently dangerous until you act upon it.”
There is something much more sinister in this bill, and you must read between the lines to notice it.
Over the past few years, environmental fascist (enviro-fascist) policies have grown into one of the most prominent issues that the radical left campaigns on.
According to the New Hampshire government, over 33,000 households in the state use wood stoves as their primary heating source.
“Crazy people shouldn’t have guns! Do you believe that they should?!” In addition to authoritarians and others who hate or misunderstand firearms, many others often ask this question.
In 30 years, we may find ourselves in the unfortunate circumstance of explaining to our children that car makers began placing backup cameras in their cars around 2010 of their own volition and that by 2012, nearly 70% of new cars had backup cameras. I imagine that our children will be surprised to hear that any company would place a backup camera in their vehicle before 2018.