From a Presidential Candidate who does NOT want to be President:

Americans are due for a “no confidence” mechanism. Presidential primaries offer an oblique way of voters expressing no confidence in their current president. But in the process, a voter must choose among a wide swath of candidates whom she or he might be FOR, without a firm desire FOR that candidate.

A “no confidence” vote opens the incumbent’s party to more candidates. The Democratic National Committee has attempted to stifle voters’ choices. Their moving of primaries, abolishing debates, and creating barriers against challenges from other Democrats makes the DNC of this decade the western world’s least democratic nationwide entity.

New Hampshire Democrats and Independents have a direct way to protest this trend. The January 23 primary allows all voters the chance to pull a Democratic ballot and vote AGAINST Joe Biden to send him a message.

Rest assured, you need not stay a Democrat if you don’t want to. Every poll site has a place to “de-pledge” from the party before leaving the building.

One candidate in particular deserves the votes for all who want to express “no confidence” in Joe Biden. That is Mark Stewart Greenstein, the very-traditional Democrat who points out that under Joe Biden “almost everything is wrong”

Mr. Stewart (he goes by “Stewart For Liberty) cites five other reasons for Democrats and Independents to vote for him on Tuesday:

  1. Shake the system up.
  2. Separate school and state.
  3. End every unfairness that the president can control.
  4. Help develop better candidates for Congress and State house seats.
  5. Stop Social Security and Medicare from putting our grandchildren deeper in debt.

Liberty Block’s Alu Axelman posed the question that many dark-horse candidates receive: “How do you break the ‘spoiler’ role?”

Stewart answers: “a primary is not yet a two-party contest; a primary is the chance for new candidates and better ideas to percolate so the party can be at its best. Democrats who vote for Joe Biden are protecting the party at its WORST.”

Stewart even has a message for New Hampshire Republicans:

“Some of you can express yourself BEST with a “No Joe Biden” vote. “You are Republican because you are dedicated to eliminating evil; the ascending power of this Biden administration portends even more evil to our pocketbooks, our rights, and our liberties.”

In particular, Stewart seeks “The Vivek Vote”. If you like Vivek, almost every policy will be enunciated by Mark Stewart throughout the primary season. Stewart is on the ballot in Vermont on Super Tuesday (March 5), and will be on the ballot in Joe Biden’s home of DC on the Democrats’ final primary day, June 4

Mr. Stewart’s website,, contains more videos on better governance than the sites of every Republican candidate combined. He recently published a book that contains his vision for saving American liberty.

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Liberty Block or any of its members. We welcome all forms of serious feedback and debate.