Breaking: Biden Drops Out of 2024 Election

On Sunday afternoon, Joe Biden announced that he is no longer seeking reelection to be president, leaving the Democrats without a nominee less than four months before the general election. Prior to today, Biden has consistently insisted that he would not drop out; he would beat Trump at the ballot box in November. Evidently, “the Democratic elite, corporate media, and billionaire donors successfully pressured the candidate chosen by Democratic primary voters to drop out because he’s down in the polls and losing,”

Breaking: Biden Less Likely Nominee Than Kamala – According to the Bets

Some time on Thursday, July 11th, Biden lost his spot as the odds-on favorite to win the Democrat nomination for President, according to The 81-year-old is already the oldest President in history, and his age has rapidly been catching up with him of late. He would be 86 years old by the end of his next term. After an undisputedly pathetic performance in the June 27 debate against Trump, Democrats have been rapidly leaving the Biden bandwagon. Biden’s apparent dementia was noticeable during the 2020 election and is now impossible to ignore. As of today, 18 Democrat Congressmen have called on Biden to leave the race for reelection. 

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #213

Joe Biden demonstrated throughout the debate that he is not mentally fit to be president; will the Dems replace him? When? How? The crew discusses the Trump immunity case decided by the SCOTUS. To what extent should presidents be immune from criminal prosecution for their official acts? The crew discusses the SCOTUS reversing “Chevron deference,” stripping massive powers from unaccountable federal agencies. Should social media companies be responsible for the content on their platforms if they are going to curate content?

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #212

Missouri v Biden, Murthy case re: free speech, horribly decided by SCOTUS; the doctrine of “standing”; should court rulings affect only specific cases or be sweeping for anyone affected even indirectly or subject to such in the future; how absolutely should the 2nd amendment be read? Should we have a right to social media publishing anything we want to share? Assange’s release—did his leaks endanger the lives of soldiers? Does SCOTUS horse-trade on cases? Tomorrow night’s debate between Trump and Biden;

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #211

The weather (extreme heat in some places and snow in others) and climate change; pending SCOTUS cases including Biden v Missouri re: censorship by social media, Trump’s immunity, Chevron case re: interpretation of statutes by the rule makers in the administrative state/non-delegation issue, the decision on mifepristone, which was decided on issues of standing; why does SCOTUS wait until the end of the term to release decisions? Should we rule out lawfare against truly crooked politicians? Alito suggesting congress could write a bump stock ban into the law; should the government have the power to ban masks? Should citizens have the right to protest anonymously? Will there ever be comeuppance against Fauci? Pfizer? How to circumvent the immunity given Pfizer?

Texas Border Crisis – Civil War Or Peaceful Secession; There May Be No Third Option

Over the past few weeks, the situation has escalated far beyond any level we’ve seen in our lifetimes. The Biden administration has allowed the southern border to remain very open, a policy that the people of Texas and their government do not support. After Texas put razor wire along areas of its southern border to deter illegal immigration, DC politicians were infuriated by the act of defiance. 

US Military Still #1, More Prepared & Powerful Than Ever!

For decades, the US Military has been the undisputed #1 most powerful force on the planet. Its soldiers have a presence in nearly every state and landmass on the globe. There are hundreds of military bases all over and there are likely  many more covert military installations throughout every area of the world, as well. The Heritage Foundation conducted an in-depth analysis of the US Military’s capability and readiness in 2023, which should be very encouraging for true patriots. 

Feds Increase Monthly Payments By Nearly $1,000

In response to the horrendous monetary inflation by the federal government, the geniuses in DC have caused another major issue without significantly addressing inflation. As The Liberty Block has reported numerous times, the vast majority of all dollars ever printed in history were created over the past three years. Each dollar created by the Federal Reserve dilutes the purchasing power of the dollars in your wallet, bank account, and investment funds. On a simple level, doubling the amount of dollars in circulation cuts the value of each of your dollars in half. 

Why You MUST Understand Rates of Increase

There is far too much disinformation and purposeful conflation going on in the media right now. With Biden constantly boasting about ‘lowering inflation’, millions of Americans are being fooled into thinking that Biden is bringing prices down. First, the President cannot directly affect prices, especially by lowering them. The only way a government official could directly reduce prices would entail seizing the economy (communism/fascism) and/or commanding that the prices be lowered.