Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – April

This sermon is made in honor of the holy sacrament of 4/20. In the Torah, God said in the context of creating the world for man, “See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food.” Genesis 1:29. When God created this holy proclamation to humanity, he was, of course, aware that he had given humanity cannabis, psilocybin, opiates, alcohol, and other plants or plant-derived substances that would change the human consciousness from its default state.

Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – February

Isaiah stated in the Tanakh, “Your silver is fake, and your wine is watered down.” -Isaiah 1:22.

At this point in time, Isaiah lived in Jerusalem during the latter half of Israel’s kingdom and was speaking with the leaders of Jerusalem and Judah on God’s behalf. He was warning the leaders of their corruption and that this corruption against God’s commandments would have dire consequences.

Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – January

Starting in January, I have begun writing sermons or as we say in Judaism “drashot,” about my religious beliefs regarding blockchain technology. I believe that in the current age, my religious beliefs are under attack and so I believe it is my duty to articulate my beliefs to normalize them in the hopes that they will be normalized as I continue to articulate them. 

Satanist Anarchist Begins Prison Sentence

On Tuesday, June 27th, Aria DiMezzo checked into the FMC Devens federal prison in Ayer, Massachusetts. Dimezzo faced multiple charges relating to her sales of Bitcoin over the span of a few years. She ultimately pled guilty to operating an unlicensed money transmitting business in September 2022. On April 25th, she was sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined $5,000. DiMezzo worked as a manager at Domino’s Pizza and a regular host of Free Talk Live, a widely syndicated libertarian radio show and podcast.