Did The Supreme Court Really Abolish Birth Control?
Joined by Sotomayor, Justice Ginsburg disagreed with the ruling, writing that “…Destructive of the Women’s Health Amendment, this court leaves women workers to fend for themselves…”
Joined by Sotomayor, Justice Ginsburg disagreed with the ruling, writing that “…Destructive of the Women’s Health Amendment, this court leaves women workers to fend for themselves…”
I would rather see a ‘Boeing’ logo on the Senate wall on C-Span than be extorted for $20,000 by Trump and Schumer each year. Wouldn’t you?
The newly-unemployed protesters support the freedom to work, human prosperity, or both. If it is wrong to support freedom and prosperity, I don’t want to be right.
A bill proposed by three Republicans and three Democrats would remove New Hampshire from the interstate EMS compact
During the embarrassingly long delay (which is still ongoing at the time of this writing) in the Iowa Democratic Party counting the caucus results for the first contest of the 2020 Primary race, candidates addressed their supporters to keep their spirits up as it approached 11PM. Keith Murphy, a business Read more…
A bill filed by five House Democrats could derail New Hampshire’s primary tourist attraction: The skiing industry.
“I deserve more money! I work so hard!”, shouts the angry teenage worker. She’s an EMT, and she’s going on six months on the job. “You have so much experience,” she’s often told by even fresher EMTs who are hired by her private ambulance company. This EMT – let’s call Read more…
We could safely assume that everyone in the world desires cleaner air and less pollution. While the use of fossil fuels has huge benefits (saving and improving billions of lives) which many believe outweigh the negative effects of its pollutant byproducts, nobody on any side of the debate would argue Read more…
Los demócratas han presentado a las naciones escandinavas de Dinamarca, Suecia, Finlandia, Islandia y Noruega como ejemplos de éxitos socialistas por muchos años. Esto parece deberse en gran parte al “Informe Mundial de Felicidad”, que publica anualmente las Naciones Unidas. El informe clasifica consistentemente a las naciones escandinavas en la Read more…
Warning that automation will inevitably put millions of Americans out of work, Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has successfully set himself apart from the 20+ Democrats running for the nomination.