The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #210

Is the Israeli military/government being reckless or are they doing what it takes to rescue hostages and prosecute the war in Gaza? The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the scamdemic shots are not legally “vaccines” – but how did the California-based federal court get so non-leftist? How did Trump get conservative judges confirmed, especially on the left coast? Mike explains how the NJ legislature screws the people and encourages young children to identify as LGBT. Meagan tells of her experiences with the many people who seek to de-transition after regretting their decision.

The Case For The Depopulation Agenda

I have long argued against the ‘conspiracy theorists’ who believed that the elites wished to cull the world’s population by drastic numbers. Many of my libertarian, conservative, and voluntaryist colleagues believe that the top politicians, bankers, and powerbrokers in the world want to decrease the amount of humans by billions. I have consistently argued that it would be illogical for the elites to reduce the number of sheep and tax slaves they control. Here, I will present some evidence in favor of the theory.

How Should We Deal With Drag Queens & Children?

In light of the recent controversy within the New Hampshire liberty community surrounding drag queens, sexuality, children, violence, tolerance, and parental rights, I feel compelled to weigh in on the issue. By way of background, a liberty-adjacent individual who was planning to speak at the upcoming Porcfest made a violent threat against anyone who reads to children while dressed in drag during the festival.