House Passes Bill To Ban School Mask Mandates

In a contentious and narrow vote, the New Hampshire House passed a ban on school mask mandates Thursday. The 187-184 vote was opposed by Democrats, who warned that the law would prevent local school boards from protecting students and staff from future contagious diseases. Republicans had a few major arguments, which helped them pass House Bill 1093. 

7 Reasons We Should Continue Wearing Masks

Three years into the worst pandemic in human history, many people are becoming understandably complacent. Despite masks being perfectly effective at preventing the spread of coronavirus, people have been wearing them less than ever before since 2019. If protecting yourself and everyone around you isn’t enough of a reason to put on a mask, here are some more reasons why you should get in the habit of wearing at least a cloth mask. 

Breaking: Dictator Sununu Vetoes HB1131, Endorses Mask Mandates For Kids

The entire bill simply stated that “The school board of a school district or the chief executive officer of a chartered public school or public academy shall not adopt, enforce, or implement a policy that requires students or members of the public to wear a facial covering for any purpose while on the school’s property unless the facial covering is necessary for a specific extracurricular or instructional purpose, or is required by some other section of the law.”