The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #214

Daniel reported from UK on their recent elections; Nigel Farage will not be totally insignificant, although in the minority in parliament; Daniel also reported and opined on the French elections and how they rigged their election against Le Pen’s party; Project 2025 and Trump’s purported distancing from it; is the left pulling an Alinsky against Biden? How the media did such a quick 100% turnaround on Biden’s mental acuity; Would publicizing the Hur audio cause Biden to withdraw? How much will abortion affect pro-Trump voters? Discussion on gun rights; Lazer chimed in to discuss Ukraine/Russia; discussion on military personnel operating out of hospitals and if that makes the hospitals a legitimate target; (we apologize for the interruption caused by a windows popup);

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #186

Pro-Palestinians demonstrating in so many places, including barricading JFK and LAX today. Is their goal to change minds? Intimidate? Demoralize? Will their opponents ever use the Dublin model and fight back against them? Will Trump pick Haley as V.P.? Don Jr. said he’d do anything to stop it from happening. Was a tax on unrealized gains a Trump idea or a Biden idea? Which presidents/leaders were most responsible for the growth in power of China?

TCE podcast episode #156

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #156

Are we in a world war? Though Russia has said that English leaders are fair game, Daniel reports from the UK that this has not been made big deal out of by the press; how bad is the debt deal? Does Massie have a point that it is not so bad? What about the 87k IRS agents? The difference between raising the debt ceiling and “suspending” the debt ceiling, which is what the deal is purporting to do; can any politician really make a case to the American public (about Social Security, Medicare, etc.) when the media hides and/or rewrites the story? a discussion of DeSantis’ announcement on twitter…

Make Switzerland Neutral Again

The most important thing to do now is to continue to support the principles of neutrality, particularly in Switzerland. Support the protestors that are demanding for a return to the Swiss neutrality of the past and all others that are bringing light to the fact that this is sadly occurring. I do not plan on returning to Switzerland until it returns to its former glory. Let’s Make Switzerland Neutral Again!

We Shouldn’t Trust The Elites About COVID Or Ukraine

Ukraine is not a budding Jeffersonian Democracy. It is a cesspool of corruption. It is a hotbed of sex trafficking, child trafficking, prostitution, money laundering, and the establishment of Western NGOs for the purpose of accomplishing that corruption. It is not a random coincidence that not merely Biden’s son made millions in Ukraine, but that Pelosi’s and Romney’s did too. And there have been others. Ukraine is a hotbed of corruption. It is the Afghanistan of Europe.