Healthcare In The Republic of New Hampshire

“What would healthcare look like in an independent New Hampshire once we leave the union?”, a middle-aged woman asked from the crowd during the press conference for CACR32. I have been asked this question many times over the past few months, and it is a fair concern. Let’s explore what healthcare in the Republic of New Hampshire may look like after the inevitable collapse of DC and the union.

Racism in medicine

The Empire’s Medical System Is Becoming Disturbingly Racist

As reported by Reason Magazine: “Older populations are whiter, ” Harald Schmidt, a professor of ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told The New York Times. “Society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already had more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.”

Rebuttal To Anti-Independence Letter By State Rep.

The legislation that would allow New Hampshire voters to cast a ballot in favor of independence has been assigned to the House Federal-State Relations Committee. One member of that committee has sent a frantic letter to his colleagues begging them to oppose the legislation and prevent the people from having a chance to vote on whether to become a self-governing state no longer bound to DC politicians.

Introducing The Progressive State Swap!

By moving to any of the many progressive states, intolerant progressive authoritarians will immediately find a lifestyle much more to their liking than they ever will enjoy by remaining here. And New Hampshire will be freed to continue shining its beacon of hope to tyrannized people everywhere, with far less hostility in its midst for daring to be the one free state in an otherwise unfree world.