The Key To Wealth Preservation: Hide Your Silver In Plain Sight?

The Local Silver Mint has just unveiled what may be their most innovative silver product to date. This is quite a statement, considering that this is the creator who invented the Silver Card, Barter Bags, Tenth-Ounce Silver Rounds, Cig-Savers, Building Blocks, and so many other creative iterations of silver. But if you were looking for the best tool for covertly preserving your wealth in plain sight, you needn’t look any further than Weare, New Hampshire. 

Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – February

Isaiah stated in the Tanakh, “Your silver is fake, and your wine is watered down.” -Isaiah 1:22.

At this point in time, Isaiah lived in Jerusalem during the latter half of Israel’s kingdom and was speaking with the leaders of Jerusalem and Judah on God’s behalf. He was warning the leaders of their corruption and that this corruption against God’s commandments would have dire consequences.

Granite State Considers Adopting Gold and Silver As Legal Tender

As such, many people have been inclined to get rid of our dollars and hold our savings in more stable forms of money, such as gold and silver. Many people who are concerned for their families’ financial wellbeing would love to see this bill passed into law. Astute people hold a large portion of the wealth in the form of gold and silver. Especially in New Hampshire, an ever-increasing number of establishments are accepting gold and silver as payment. But we do need to pay taxes to the state and local governments. Currently, the government only accepts dollars.

Silver Dave Launches Best Silver Barter Piece Yet!

The owner of the shop, who is known as ‘Silver Dave’ told The Liberty Block that he is very excited about the new shape. “It’s beautiful, useful, perfect for bartering, and it’s better than pre-1965 90% silver dimes because it says right on it that it’s a tenth ounce of pure silver,” Dave told TLB, adding that “It may be the lowest premium (cost over silver price) fractional silver in the world.” Indeed, the roughly $3.30 per item does appear to be less expensive than any other 1/10th Troy ounce silver product on the market. The large online sellers have already placed large purchase orders for the small rounds, according to Silver Dave.

What Is Money?

The man who raises cows and bulls has valuable assets, but livestock is difficult to carry in your pocket and not practical for dividing into small denominations. Animals also live for only a few years. The fisherman has lots of fish, but they also die quickly, and not everyone even likes fish.

How DC Politicians Destroyed Our Money

Nearly every government eventually becomes greedy and seeks to steal more from its people than it could via simple taxation. Tyrants in the federal government always wanted to control the money that the people used. Alexander Hamilton wanted the President to rule over the Americans for life with massive powers, and he wanted the central government to be quite authoritarian.