I went to the New Hampshire State House for the first time on March 10th to support a constitutional amendment called CACR32. I handed out an informative flier to state reps and then sat in the gallery and watched the house session. What I learned about this strange cult shocked me. There were three things I thought were true before that day that turned out not to be true at all.

  1. I thought the state reps wanted to balance their opinions with what their constituents and the people of New Hampshire want instead of just voting for what they want. 
  2. I thought the state reps were supposed to work for (be representing) people who are alive and who live in New Hampshire.
  3. I thought the state reps were supposed to read and comprehend the bills that they’re voting on.

The state reps often vote for their own or their party’s preferences, and not what the people want them to vote for. At least half of the reps would not even take my flier, Republican or Democrat. I had not met or seen the majority of them until that day, so they had no idea if they’d agree or be interested in what I was handing them. They knew I was a Granite Stater who cared enough to come to the statehouse at seven a.m. to hand them a flier but they didn’t even care to see what it was about. 

At lunch, my friend introduced me to Melissa Blasek. She is a republican state rep from Merrimack. I wasn’t going to ask her what she thought of the bill I was there to support until she actually brought it up by making a joke about how much the democrats hate the bill. So, she sounded friendly to the bill and I asked if she was going to vote in favor of the bill (more specifically, whether she planned to vote against the motion to kill the bill) that would let the people vote to grant or withdraw their consent to being governed by Washington DC. 

“No, I don’t think we’re ready for independence,” she said. 

I replied, “Okay, well you’re not voting on whether or not we should be independent today. You’re voting on whether or not it should go on the ballot for the people of New Hampshire to vote on independence.” She said that “that’s just what you activists are trying to make it seem like it is.” She told me that her vote is a reflection of her opinion on independence and she has to vote on what she believes. She said we don’t have ballot initiatives in New Hampshire and added that “California is a shit-hole state because they have ballot initiatives.”

This talk with Rep. Blasek really shattered the three preconceived notions  I had about how the system worked before that day. She was openly admitting that she believes she knows better than the people of New Hampshire and if the people got to decide things for themselves we would be a “shit hole state like California”. She was obviously voting for what she wanted and not what the people of New Hampshire wanted, but also protecting Washington DC’s status as our overlords by keeping the decision to leave out of the hands of the people. She also obviously didn’t read the bill herself if she thinks the idea that she was only voting that day to let the people of New Hampshire vote isn’t true because that’s exactly what the bill says in part II. It puts the question of Independence on the ballot in November for the people to vote on. If CACR32 didn’t get killed that day we wouldn’t have become independent, we would see what the Senate did with the bill and if it passed the Senate with 60% support, the question would go on the ballot in the general election. 

After inhaling my sandwich so I could get away from her, I headed back to the gallery. When the house came back in session, CACR32 was the next bill to be voted on. A republican representative, Al Baldasaro, motioned to table the bill. This motion sought to kill the bill with essentially zero debate. It was actually the Democrats who voted that down. Republican representative Brody Deshaies was overheard lamenting that it didn’t get tabled because he didn’t want to have to give his speech. He said the last time he spoke badly about the bill he had to deal with two weeks of hate mail and calls from constituents. Sounds like the people don’t approve of his “representation”!

A democrat was the first to get up and speak about the bill. He said we can’t leave the federal government because we are part of a “perpetual union,” so yes I wasn’t joking about these guys thinking they work for dead people before they work for you. He pointed to the picture in the hall of war criminal and racist, Abraham Lincoln, during his speech as if he was some sort of god we all need to worship and follow his ideals until we die. 

In the end, only thirteen brave representatives voted to give Granite Staters the ability to vote on whether or not they wanted to be ruled by distant tyrants in Washington DC. Those thirteen were the only ones who weren’t afraid of unlikely Washington DC retaliation against them and stood for their constituents who want to vote on this issue.

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Liberty Block or any of its members. We welcome all forms of serious feedback and debate.


Deanne · March 22, 2022 at 12:47 pm

I found this post very …. hmmm … interesting … “enlightening”(?) Thank you for sharing your experience. Here are some thoughts I have.

I believe we elect representatives based on our trust in their integrity and our confidence that they will vote according to what they say they believe and then it is up to them to vote their conscience. Originally, people could not have direct contact with their representatives on a weekly or daily or minute-by-minute basis. People would find out what had happened after the fact. For example, the essay “Not Yours to Give” which can be found here: https://patriotpost.us/documents/69. (Well worth reading) Personally, if I were elected to office (I have no intention or desire to be), I would be compelled to vote my conscience. How could I live with myself if I just took a poll and voted the way the majority of respondents indicated they wanted me to vote? In that case, a computer could do the job and I would be unnecessary.

That said, we now DO have direct access to our representatives and we know what votes are coming up and when. We can let them know what we think about the different issues, but we can not expect them to vote against what they believe – to vote against their conscience. The only way to get them to vote differently is to convince them of the reasons to think differently.

Your point about them representing the people who are alive and live in New Hampshire is excellent. 🙂 It is very sad that people think they need to perpetuate error to “honor” someone who 150 years ago was willing to kill tens of thousands of people to force them back into an unwanted alliance. It is appalling that anyone thinks that what we now have is what the founding fathers would approve of or that it is what they fought for. They would be mystified and, I think, disgusted, at how we have gone along with such abuse and for so long. To honor THEM, and their fight for liberty, calling out abusive government is a no-brainer.

Your conversation with Melissa is actually shocking and very disappointing for several reasons.
1.) I know the representatives are dealing with a lot all at once and taking it all in is a lot to handle, but no one should be voting on bills they haven’t read, and if they don’t understand them, they shouldn’t be voting on them either.
2.) Melissa’s language shows a lack of professionalism, integrity, and common decency. I am a lady and I expect to be treated like a lady in how I am spoken to. The language that is becoming far too common is not fit for polite society. I expected more of Melissa due to some of her other associations. That sort of language is degrading to the person using it, as well as insulting and demeaning to those it is flung at. Language reveals what is inside a person. This will affect my view of Melissa. There are appropriate words to describe what one thinks. Using gutter or sewer language is unnecessary and inaccurate.

What happened that day does not bode well for the future. We need statesmen, people of integrity and honor. From what I read here, these characteristics are scarce in Concord.

    Bonnie · March 25, 2022 at 6:22 am

    Thanks so much for your feedback. 😊 I really enjoyed this and thank you for the links.

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