On Sunday afternoon, Joe Biden announced that he is no longer seeking reelection to be president, leaving the Democrats without a nominee less than four months before the general election. Prior to today, Biden has consistently insisted that he would not drop out; he would beat Trump at the ballot box in November. Evidently, “the Democratic elite, corporate media, and billionaire donors successfully pressured the candidate chosen by Democratic primary voters to drop out because he’s down in the polls and losing,” as @KanekoaTheGreat explained on X. There are many interesting angles to this news:

It is increasingly clear that the 81-year-old Biden is suffering from mild-moderate dementia. It doesn’t seem possible for him to act as president, let alone win another election. 

Politico reported on the dysfunction of the entire Biden administration and campaign, noting that “Biden’s announcement stunned White House and campaign aides, who up until this afternoon were insisting he’d stay in the race.” The left-wing publication quoted one of the Democrats as saying “We’re all finding out by tweet . . . none of us understand what’s happening.”

Many have speculated that the Democrats knew Trump would win the 2024 election and would therefore allow Biden to remain in the race as a sacrificial lamb. The alternative would be “wasting” a better candidate and soiling their future with an inevitable loss to Trump. After the failed assassination of Trump last week, the Republicans’ chances of winning have skyrocketed even higher. This makes the decision to push out Biden all the more curious. 

The millions of dollars that the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign has in their account could only be spent on those two candidates. So, the Democrats apparently have to nominate Kamala Harris if they don’t want to forfeit those funds. Biden did endorse his 59-year-old Vice President to be the Democratic nominee. Either way, it would be great news for Trump and the Republicans. Either the Dems give up lots of money or they put up the only candidate with a worse approval rating than Biden. 

New Hampshire State Rep. Ross Berry made a great point on X, commenting that the “@NHDems bent the knee to Biden.They let him destroy our #FITN primary. All for nothing. They are party over people every time.”

Biden’s legacy

Trump is credited with being the only President in modern times not to start any new wars. He also oversaw a very peaceful world community compared to past presidents. Once Biden took office, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas attacked Israel and then Iran got involved in the war, and China is increasingly threatening to invade Taiwan. It is undisputed that the world’s militaries under Biden are feeling free to be aggressors. 

When Biden took office in January 2021, the dollar’s inflation rate was 1.4%, according to the federal government. According to those same stats, it peaked at 9% in 2022 and is now 3%. In reality, inflation remained at around 15%, meaning that anyone holding dollars is losing 15% of their value each year. 

Even the leftist FactCheck.org conceded that since Biden took office, “average weekly earnings haven’t kept pace with prices. After adjusting for inflation, “real” weekly earnings declined 3.4%.”

When Biden took office, the federal government’s debt was $27.8 trillion. It’s about to hit 35 trillion. Perhaps most importantly, Biden oversaw the largest ever de-dollarization of world governments. The dollar has been the world’s reserve currency since WW2, giving Americans amazing benefits, including the power to export (dilute) inflation around the world, as the brunt of the dollar’s plummeting value is spread across all dollar-holders on Earth. As that world ditches the dollar, inflation will be absorbed more by Americans with fewer foreigners to share the load. This would destroy our economy. During Biden’s presidency, huge countries like Argentina (47 million people) and Russia (144 million people) have begun trading with China using the Yuan as opposed to the dollar. Egypt (106 million people) and India (1.4 billion people) have also bypassed the dollar for trade with other countries. Brazil, South Africa, and many other countries are looking to leave the dollar. The growing list of countries that are creating their own non-dollar trading system may be the biggest threat to American prosperity, and it all happened under Biden’s leadership. 

As promised, Biden appointed black women as Vice President and Supreme Court Justice. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will continue to have an impact on all 340 million Americans as long as she remains on the court, which will likely be decades. 

Gun control

In 2022, Biden signed a law that spent $13 billion on new gun control measures, including bribing state governments to enforce red flag gun confiscation and broadening background checks. The Dictator also issued 21 executive orders creating new gun control laws. 

Biden began cracking down on peaceful citizens suspected of victimless crimes, such as selling drawings of devices that could theoretically (but not actually) allow an AR-15 to fire in automatic mode. Most recently, Biden’s ATF conducted a vicious raid against a man suspected of selling firearms without the proper licenses. Due to being surprised by the smashing of his door, he defended himself and was killed by Biden’s agents

Biden oversaw the prosecution and imprisonment of many others for the victimless crime of selling cryptocurrency without the proper (and impossible to obtain) licenses. My friends Aria Dimezzo and Ian Freeman were among those sent to federal prison for this heinous crime by Biden and his goons. Ian is serving an 8-year sentence, despite never hurting anyone and being the kindest person imaginable. 

These and many other tyrannical violations of natural rights could be expected to continue throughout the united states for the foreseeable future, especially if Kamala Harris becomes the next President. Regardless, peaceful separation from DC via secession is the only reasonable path to liberty. 

This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Liberty Block or any of its members. We welcome all forms of serious feedback and debate.