Texas Border Crisis – Civil War Or Peaceful Secession; There May Be No Third Option

Over the past few weeks, the situation has escalated far beyond any level we’ve seen in our lifetimes. The Biden administration has allowed the southern border to remain very open, a policy that the people of Texas and their government do not support. After Texas put razor wire along areas of its southern border to deter illegal immigration, DC politicians were infuriated by the act of defiance. 

Legislation Could Trigger New Hampshire Secession Before 2030

Legislation filed by Representative Jason Gerhard (R-Northfield) would place a question on the ballot for the voters of New Hampshire. If approved by two thirds of voters, the New Hampshire Constitution would be amended to say that the state will declare independence if the federal government accrues a debt of $40 trillion. As of 10/13, the US debt is $33.5 trillion. In 2020, the debt was under $27 trillion. 

Secession Airplane Banner Flying Over Merrimack Valley Saturday

On Wednesday morning, NHexit.US announced that local liberty activists in New Hampshire have hired a chartered airplane pilot to fly a pro-independence banner over the three largest cities in the state. Over the past few years, the calls for serious discussions on peaceful separation of New Hampshire from DC and the union have grown dramatically. New Hampshire is already home to the most influential liberty movement in the world.